I’ve (23f) never had someone want to suck on my boobs as much as my current boyfriend does (25m).

In the beginning, it was definitely just foreplay. But I’ve recently noticed that it feels more intimate than that.

The first time was when we were watching a movie and he had his head on my bare chest. He slipped my nipple in his mouth and just sucked on it while the movie played.

After that, it’s been happening more. When we’re cuddling in bed, he’ll put his head under the covers or my shirt and cling to me. He’ll either hide his face or look at me in the eyes.

I hold him, play with his hair, whisper sweet things to him, and kiss his head. Sometimes it leads to sex and other times it doesn’t.

This is the one thing my boyfriend initiates without asking, which is a big step for him because it’s hard for him to express his sexuality. He doesn’t say anything before attaching to me. But his body language tells me everything. It feels uninhibited and primal, but still gentle and intimate.

I’ve never had nipple play be like this before. Is this a “thing” other people do?

  1. My partner and i do most of what you’ve described. He’s definitely a boob guy. I love it and love the extra attention from him.

  2. I think some men are just into it. My ex was like this. But my current BF doesn’t care for it at all.

  3. How does that make you feel? Do you get horny from it? I love licking, sucking, biting and teasing my wife’s nipples. She told me she likes it too!

  4. Nipple/Breast play is a **MAJOR** thing for me and my partner.

    How you spoken to him about it? What has he said about it that he likes?

    What you have described above sounds quite lovely. It actually sounds like a gentle femdom dynamic just a bit. Maybe it isn’t for him, some people it’s a act of comfort and some it’s purely sexual.

    What do you think about him doing this? Are you ok with it?

  5. Life is circle for me, from breasts we come and to breasts we shall return, it’s in our DNA, we programed to suck boobies.

  6. I love it when my boyfriend does this.

    I don’t love it when my nipple is sore after, lol

  7. for me when i used to do it with my ex it was defos a sexual thing but also a major comfort thing it was like all my problems faded away and i was in the perfect place perfect time nothing could be wrong in that moment i swear to god that shit could have cured anything its like an unreachalbe itch in the top of your head is just sitting there always in the back of your mind but when your with them cuddle sucking on there tits that itch fades away

  8. It’s very much a thing! And honestly quite cute, your bf sounds like a sweet and authentic person and you’re a good gf for not judging him and making him feel good and safe during such an intimate moment.

    I was hooking up with this guy I was reeeally into and our foreplay would usually be him sucking my boobs while I straddled him and stroked his hair, and while my mind was saying “uhhh this is kinda weird…” it just felt so damn good that I couldn’t make him stop. I’m normally submissive and like rough dom guys, but I could feel myself being a bit more dominant with him in a gentle way that felt natural and I think he was into that. I even like the ache that comes afterwards, it’s like something got rewired in my brain and now my nipples are linked to my clitoris. There is indeed something deeply intimate and loving about it. The annoying thing is my nipples have started leaking when they’re sucked and I don’t know how I feel about it… I’m worried that some guys will find it off putting and I don’t want them to make my body feel gross. On the other hand, all of the playing has turned my boobs into sexual weapons that I can now use to get off and have more fun during sex with, so I guess I’ll just roll with it. 😅

  9. I would love to do this to my gf but I don’t want to make her feel like a mommy cause that ain’t it for me 😩 I think it’s just a sensory thing for me I could do it all day

  10. My boyfriend sounds exactly like yours, he absolutely loves it and I’m not sure why, but no complaints from me. I asked him why he enjoys it so much and he said he just enjoys it, the way it feels and how it makes me feel

  11. Absolutely, you might both be interested in reading up on *adult breastfeeding* as a kink, often shortened to *anr* or *abf*.

  12. It’s defintely a thing, I’m very much a breast man myself, and love playing with my girlfriend’s nipples (licking, sucking, occasional nibbling).

    I’m also guilty of initiating it without asking, but we both enjoy it once we’re both comfortable.

  13. My partner does this. He said he never had the urge to do it with anyone else but he sucks on my nipples as a comfort thing. I love it! Sometimes it’s not sexual at all and pure intimacy and I think it’s so sweet

  14. I have on more than a few occasions fallen asleep just sucking on my wife’s nipples.

  15. This sounds so lovely and is a nice reframe for me. I breastfed my kids for 4 years total so my nips and breasts are very much non-sexual for me. My husband likes to suck on them during sex and I’ve always felt a bit weirded out by it. But I will work to change my mindset going forward after everyone has shared their incredibly intimate experiences!

  16. Absolutely normal. I can’t even take my shirt off in peace as soon as a tit is on show my bf is there lol.

  17. It’s not unusual. Some people even get into a breast feeding fetish. I discovered I have one. It started shortly after baby showed up. I got clogged ducts (PAINFUL). The doctor told me to have my husband suck my breasts until the clog came out. He was a bit put off but if it would relieve my pain, he would be glad to do it. I got totally WET when he did it so once he got the ducts open, I jumped him. Baby’s weaned a long time ago, but I’m still flowing because I nurse husband from time to time.

  18. My bf does the same, he says he loves my breast – I don’t, I linda don’t like my boobs but I love to feel him so close to me

  19. Well, there are some boob guys (like me) that just truly enjoying the feeling and the interaction.

    Still, if you feel uncomfortable you should be able to speak about it.

  20. There are people who are so into it they take a sketchy drug to make themselves start lactating and I think some even have a relationship that is just based on that alone.


  21. So I’m a chick and I have this fetish, but prefer being the one sucking on another woman. It’s definitely a thing, lol. I could literally do it for hours if I could!

  22. Boob guys are underrated tbh. I loved it when he’d lay me on my back and lie between my legs with the sole intention of just going to town on them… He loved them so much so his boob workmanship really made me feel amazing. It was a win-win. I liked to run my hands through his hair while he worked, then, when I felt overwhelmed with affection, I’d pull him up to look me in the eyes, we’d make out a bit, and then he’d go right back to work on them. He would get so worked up and desperate for them that he would leave marks sometimes. (I loved that, hot AF…)

  23. It looks like the comments have definitely validated that it’s a thing. There are subreddits dedicated to this as well, if you want to read and explore. It’s a really wonderful act, and so nice to see you (and others here) enjoying it without judgment.

  24. I looooove my nipples to be sucked, licked and gently bit. Especially during missionary. So sexy! I have big boobs and the guys love them!

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