People always say that if you work on your self the one will come to you and I’ve been sitting back getting good grades and working out almost everyday and I’m doing well but no one has came to me like they said, at this point it makes me feel like no one actually wants me

  1. what they mean is build a life. getting good grades means jack shit. that’s for kids. just working out doesn’t mean shit either. you gotta build interests and hobbies. grades lol.

  2. You’re doing great, do not absolutely give up working out. What they mean by “work on your self the one will come to you” is worded wrongly. What it should be phrased is given enough positive attributes to yourself, you’ll eventually have choices.

    I’m confident that you’re a man, chix don’t care about 6 pack abs if you’re a dork. No one cares about your good grades if you don’t project a “smart” character. You have no idea how many dumb people are there but gets respected (by low quality people) because they sound smart. No one cares about a guy whose handsome but is so unconfident on himself that he can’t handle a conversation.

    Should you quit working out then? Quit having good grades then?

    No, the point here is as a man, the woman who you wants doesn’t stop their interest on 1 good trait at all, they want you to have it all and that’s okay. That means you get to be the best person you can be. So level up in your other areas in life (socially, financially etc…) but don’t quit on working out.

  3. There’s a kernel of truth in that, but it has a low probability of attracting others unless you’re very attractive physically or project charisma. If you have great qualifications but never apply to a job, you’ll never get one. I had to do some work for every woman I’ve dated since middle school. I had to approach them, talk to them and charm them. They didn’t just magically come to me.

    What I’m saying is although what you’re doing is productive, and you should keep it up, you have to also put yourself out there and meet women or whomever.

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