Hello, I’m 17 male and have been struggling to make friends. Though, as of late I had been contemplating approaching a group who seemingly have known each other for a long time. They seem to have a lot in common with me which is why I was wondering how I could approach this situation.
There is one of them who usually sits alone in the mornings waiting for the rest to show up. Would it be good to just ask this person if I could hang with them? Or how else should I approach this without making it awkward?

  1. If you’re gonna ask to hang out, then butter him up a little at least so he knows that you’d be a good addition to the group. Don’t lead with, Can I hang out with you guys? It sounds a little desperate.

  2. How about sit down with that guy and BECOME HIS FRIEND. You shouldn’t try to befriend a group, you should try to make friends with INDIVIDUALS. Start with that guy.

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