For me it was when my wife (back then gf of I think 2 years) and I went to her place and she explained the history of this show she watched in detail
I can’t remember what the shoe is but seeing her really passionate about it was just adorable

  1. Looked me in the eye. I’m not kidding, one direct glance and I was a total goner, lol. This is unbearably corny, but sometimes, with certain special people, you look at them and see exactly who they are. Luckily I liked what I saw, and our relationship has been the proof that my instincts don’t suck.

  2. She told me that I can’t have the milk for free when I asked her to move in with me. 28 years later, still going 💪.

  3. Her – acknowledged my existence

    Me – farted in her face

    Love at first sight 🥰❤️💩

  4. There was no one magical moment for me, it was more a gradual realization. There was one point though where I realized I felt protective of my now-wife in a way I’d never been before with a partner.

  5. He made me feel calm when I was stressed and flailing. We barely knew each other at that point but it suddenly struck me that his presence made me feel more safe and secure than I’d ever felt in my life. All he was doing was standing there listening intently.

  6. Honestly, it was the way she smiled and rubbed my ears the very first time we met in person.

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