What is it about a girl having daddy issues is “hot”?

  1. The standard practical meaning of “daddy issues” for those comments is “craves male approval/affection and is perfectly happy to use sex to get it”. That somewhat more specific type tends to be enthusiastically interested in sex and pretty open minded about what to include in it.

    So…not so much attractive as an indicator of availability.

  2. I think the actual thing about it is, that it provides a much clearer playbook on how one might go about getting intimate with her – be it only physical or also romantically.

    To say it a bit more directly: She is easier to pull.

    Which might mean that some dudes will sleep with her but knowing that her issues can be easily played mean that they don’t want to invest in her romantically.

  3. I personally don’t find it attractive. I do play with it however occasionally if I know a girl is really into it.

  4. I would say someone had daddy issues if they were enthusiastically sexual but also clingy, needy and kinda looked up to their bf in an unhealthy way, like putting them in a pedestal where they can do no wrong even if they treat her like shit, if that makes any sense.

  5. Girls with daddy issues crave attention and male approval and so they are an easy target for toxic people who just want to bang. Girls with daddy issues are generally emotionally unavailable and thus not great for someone looking for a meaningful relationship.

    Tldr: only toxic people think girls with daddy issues are hot.

  6. its not ,people just think it means its easier to get sex because of it.

    getting sex i guess is “hot”

  7. I don’t particularly know or really care but I assumed it had some psychological disorder prescribed by your average Joe, assuming that she’s involved in some form of sexual activity

  8. Women who don’t like their dads are drawn to me like flies to honey. I don’t even know what it would be like to be with a woman who has a healthy relationship with her dad.

    One simply didn’t respect her dad cause he was a pushover. Her and her mom treated him like shit. That’s actually why I left her when I was 20.

    Another had a hillbilly type dad who was emotionally abusive despite providing very well. I was “a nice guy.” Left her on account of her not having much awareness of what others do for her.

    Currently with someone whose dad is domineering. I’m kinda in the middle, not pushover or domineering. Considerate might be the word.

    I have learned that they all have this one thing in common- they’ll say things and do things to try to prevent you from becoming like their dad.

    As for the daddy issue sex thing…it really varies, so I wouldn’t encourage a young man towards daddy issue women specifically for hot sex.

  9. It’s not the woman having daddy issues that makes her hot. It’s the fact that she is physically attractive and often, those women, have no problems sleeping with anyone in sight, and they tend to be good in bed.

    That is what makes a woman with daddy issues hot.

  10. Nothing is hot about them. It just makes them really good at making bad decisions when it comes to men.

    Mainly because they are just trying to either Piss off daddy or get his attention.

    these women are “easy” not “hot”

    I’m not sure who told you otherwise.

  11. That she uses sex in exchange for attention. She is also likely to do “things” outside of the norm to make sure she gets that attention.

  12. I don’t find women with daddy issues as “hot”. I often find that she projects her daddy issues unto me. I’m just trying to love her.

  13. As someone who dated women with daddy issues without intentionally seeking it i can assure you one thing. They’re much more sexual.

    My friend had to point out the pattern, I’ve always been kinda the more responsible one in group settings and its always attracted that type. It always led to them
    Having commitment issues.

    Once i became aware of it, i avoided it.

  14. I don’t know. I don’t think it’s hot. You can keep those women for yourselves while I live a less stressful, more stable life.

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