Do you prefer a deep conversation, a fun one or a supportive/complementary one during those times? Or maybe not talking with anyone and spending time alone?

  1. Um. Any? I’m still just like… a person when I’m having a period. I’ll have different moods, just like I would any other time. I don’t just want one type of conversation for the week I’ve got my period.

  2. Just behave normally. It’s not like I become a completely different person while I’m on my period.

  3. Same ones I’m into depending on my mood when I’m not on my period.

    Which is none. Everyone leave me alone all the time.

  4. Personally I become a completely different person. My hair color changes, voice changed pitch, I even speak a new language. It’s a really confusing time in our house. /s

  5. Spoken like someone who has never had a period or even been around a woman! Dude, there is no difference in a person just because their body is doing monthly cleanup maintenance.

  6. I’m into the same kinds of conversations I’m into when I’m not on period? Which is a mix of all kinds of conversations or lack of conversations, depending on the day I had and my mood and the person I’m talking with.

    I don’t turn into a different person or anything on my period, it’s not werewolf rules.

  7. I might be having more “periods suck” chats with my close friends, but my conversations are basically the same day-to-day. The only difference is that there is probably more of an “edge” to my voice when the pain is significant.

  8. I’m the same person, so I prefer the same kind of conversations I enjoy normally. Being on my period doesn’t change my personality or preferences.

  9. I don’t want to talk to anyone because I’m always sick and I suffer a lot the first 3 days 🙁

  10. I don’t feel nice during periods so i’d wanna be left alone

    i mostly just play video games and try to distract myself since i don’t wanna use meds for the pain

    recently found the game i’m enjoying, awaken: chaos era. and it works pretty well on bluestacks. so i spend all my day alone playing and everyone knows it’s better to not bother me during those days

  11. This is a stupid question. What kind of conversation do you prefer when you’re hungry? When you have a belly ache? When you have a cold or need to take a shit?

    What stage in my menstrual cycle I’m at has nothing to do with what kind of conversation I’m in the mood for. At all.

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