I (23f) once had a flirt (23m). We got on really well and decided to give us a chance. But when I told him that I’m not a virgin, he decided to left me. (He never had a girlfriend before so I guess he’s a virgin.) I thought this wouldn’t be a problem but here I am, all alone because I acted honest to him. What do you think, would you see this as a problem like him? How would you act?

  1. You did nothing wrong. I remember starving myself, cutting myself, practically trying to kill myself because of how embarrassed I was for not being a virgin anymore.

    In all honesty, it means very little. He should have communicated better that he was looking for someone with the same amount of sexual experience before it went too far with you two but you did nothing wrong. You should never be embarrassed by anything like that and most men at your age don’t care about things like that.

  2. The people that care don’t matter and the ones that really matter won’t care. It’s ok for you to not be a virgin, and it’s ok for him to decide he wants to go look for one, good luck to him. You don’t need to be ashamed or embarrassed, you’re a normal young woman and you did what normal young women and men do, if he can’t deal that’s a ‘he’ problem, not a ‘you’ problem.

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