We’d been dating for 7 months (this was a few months ago) He went on a trip to see friends and one of his closest friends doesn’t even remember my name. This friend recently started dating someone everyone in their group thought was bad for him. Apparently, my boyfriend had the idea to redownload hinge and show his friend all of his other options. I asked if he sent messages to girls and he said “he didn’t, but maybe his friends did”, he doesn’t remember. But the girls he/they were looking at and swiping on were based on his current city, not the city his friend is in, and my bf said he didn’t change location. Which is interesting to me because we didn’t meet at his current location – we were living somewhere else when we first met on hinge. So if he’d actually deleted it after we were official and then re-downloaded it and didn’t change location, it should still have said it was in the location where we met.

They all also went out that night and he was the only one without a +1. (I was on a different trip at that time)

When I saw the app on his phone I was upset and he asked if I wanted to look at it to prove he hadn’t been with anyone, and I said yes. Then he got mad at me saying he doesn’t like partners looking through his phone. So I never saw anything.

I somehow let this go at first, bc I believed he was just being stupid with his guy friends and forgot to delete the app.

I just found out something about him that made me rethink things and now I’m thinking about this again. I’m furious and can’t let it go.. he’s perfect but I can’t stop feeling stupid like this is so suspicious. I wish I hadn’t let him convince me this was nothing.

Should I ask him to redownload the app and let me see? Should I let it go because he’s perfect otherwise? Is it a stupid fuck up that I should let slide or is this super serious? And do I forfeit the right to be mad because of the time passed?

I need outside perspective. I keep getting over it and then friends make me think I shouldn’t be. I’m hurting and confused

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