So my boyfriend of 9 months broke up with me back in early January and in all honesty I don’t think I’m over him yet. He’s the best guy that I’ve ever met and It was both of ours first real relationships. It ended with him telling me that he felt unprepared for a relationship and that we had rushed into things. I thought that I would be over him by now but I still think about him ALL the time. Everything constantly reminds me of him. I see him in my dreams and he’s always on my mind. I tried having flings with new people but all I could think of was my ex. I still see him around every so often due to our personal lives which overlap as we are coworkers yet we never speak. I can’t stand feeling this way and I was thinking that maybe asking him for a second chance might be a good idea. What should I do?

  1. This is a very touchy subject but getting someone off your mind is a very hard thing to do so I’m gonna focus on the main question. If you can get him to talk it’s always worth a try all I can say is don’t seem like you’re forcing it maybe try to say that y’all can go slow but maybe the relationship ended in the first place for another reason and he didn’t have the heart to say the real reason?

  2. Give him time, keep him in the radar. I think the guy is trying to focus on education or his career. If he broke up with you just to focus then he will come back.

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