Yeah it’s pretty simple. I (18m) am a literal dumbass. I’m not smart, I’m not deep, not philosophical. I am by the definition of the word, stupid. I find humor in completely stupid stuff, I’m literally dumb when it comes to anything.

A bit of a nsfw example but when looking at nsfw material I comment over it like I’m reviewing it and stuff. I like have a fridge shelf piece that I use as a sword from time to time, so that I guess can be considered childish. I dunno how to drive, hell I dunno names of places. I suck on talking on the phone.

All the girls I see around me are always so smart, competent, educated, and know what they are doing. I always feel intimidated cause like why would they ever want my dumbass? So I dunno all I ask is do I stand a chance in dating if I’m this stupid or should I step down?

  1. Calm down, you are 18 (nothing that cannot get fixed). Concentrate on yourself first!

  2. My dude, you’re 18!! Jesus haha.

    I thought I knew it all too, when I was 18. We all do as teenage girls lol, its pretty expected. We are always deemed as “too mature” at that age. I’m 25 now, and I’m so so so so so different. Let yourself grow into the adult you’d like to be. You have time!! Don’t put yourself down!

    You say you’re dumb, but I didn’t get that at all!

  3. I’m 24 and still feel fuckin’ dumb dude. But a few things to keep in mind: nobody comes out of the womb with vast amounts of knowledge. And, the people you see as ‘smart’ probably don’t know certain things that you know.

    Overall, keep doing your thing, read some books, exercise thy brain 🧠

  4. Dude you are 18! I guarantee you nobody knows what they’re doing at 18. Shoot I’m 35 and pretty sure nobody still knows what they are doing in my age group haha

    This sounds more like a self-esteem issue. As others have said, you need to work on yourself first (and you have plenty of time to do that)!

  5. I dunno, based on your responses below, you sound as if you *get* humor and can engage in it just fine.

    Sweetie (I’m a grandma, I’m allowed!), you’re ***EIGHTEEN***. Take a deep breath and give yourself a break.

    ***REEEEELax***. Start out figuring out who you are, rather than melt down into this “I’m not enough for girls!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” panic thing.

    People are attracted to those who are happy and fulfilled within themselves. So, go out there in life and figure out what you want to be in life. Find some fun things to do. RELAX (can’t be said enough).

    Don’t think of it as if you’re building a “get-a-girl” kit out of yourself. Think of it as a “building your ***OWN*** life” thing. Doing it the other way around is like putting the horse before the cart.

    Look into education, career, and hobbies. Those will be building blocks for building your life. There are a million different options. It’s okay if you try some stuff and hate it or fail miserably. It doesn’t mean there’s anything “wrong” with you, it just means those things weren’t right for you. The important part is to keep looking and trying until you find your niche.

    Some of us are late bloomers. I didn’t start my real career until my late 20s. But it’s a longstanding one I’ve been in for more than 30 years. Before that I kind of floundered around…surviving “okay” but not really anything that was “me.”

    You might find something right off, or you might be similar to me, career-wise. Neither way is wrong.

    Make a plan. Research options and make a plan for trying them out. Maybe you work part time and go to school part time. Maybe you do tech/vocational training. Maybe you go into a service industry and do the management track, maybe you jump start with a few rounds of military service. Just start. Even if all you do is google options at first.

  6. Baby steps. Tackle one goal at a time. Learn to drive. Become familiar with places. Go to trade school.

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