How big of an age difference is considered weird?

  1. I knew a kid when he was like 8 and his niece was like 14. Weird to see an uncle younger than a niece.

  2. The (somewhat joking) standard is half your age +7. So if you’re 30, don’t date anyone below 22 (30/2 = 15 + 7 = 22). It seems like a pretty reasonable marker. My parents are 10 years apart and they’re perfect for each other. They met when my dad was in his late 30s.

  3. I don’t really give a shit, if an 18-year-old wants to be with somebody who’s 35, I hope they have fun, I have better things to do with my life than be concerned about that

  4. It’s not the number, it’s the stage of life. 40 and 30 is fine. 30 and 20 is probably not fine unless the 20 year old has had some life experience, probably beyond university. Maturity levels differ greatly at that age range so it’s case-by-case. I think the same applies to how people view it.

  5. That depends on the age of the youngest. In my opinion, a person younger than 20 should not be in a relationship with anyone 3-4 years older. I don’t think it matters so much as people get into their 20’s.

  6. Dude I went to high school with dates women that are around the same/same age as his mom, I find that weird as shit. That’s his thing so more power to him I guess

  7. The only time age difference should be weird is when it’s an adult and minor. An 18 year old can date a 90 year old, and it wouldn’t bother me. Love is love.

  8. As I’ve gotten older, I find that anything above 5-7 years gives me the creeps.

    The power imbalance is always just too much for me to personally be comfortable with.

  9. More than 10 years is where it gets weird.

    the half your age plus 7 rule is the best guide but as you get older the number is usually a bit skewed.

    Could I date someone in their early 20’s ? Sure but I’d prefer someone in their mid to late 20’s.

  10. I think if the age difference if more than half the age of the youngest person it’s weird.

  11. Anything less than 1/2x+5 >= 18y.

    Seriously, age is just a number. I’ve seen 20/50 work at least for a while. Meeting parents that are younger than you can be … unsettling.

  12. Anyone who can legally open an OF account, drive a car, go vote in political elections and drink alcohol can decide who they want to have sex with.

    Anything past that is none of my business, I’m not the church.

  13. The *1/2 your age plus 7* mantra is a shitty rule but it is a good guide as to what is not ‘weird’. My preference is to ignore it.

  14. when you’re in your teens, follow a 3 year rule, once you hit your 20s follow a 10 year rule, once you hit your 30s who gives a fuck just go be wherever you’re accepted

  15. Anything underage is bad.

    Other than that I think the whole meme of “1/2 of your age + 7” works pretty well. If you’re out of that range it can be weird.

  16. Depends on who’s judging. Don’t worry about being judged you can’t avoid it. If it’s right, it’s right. Unless there’s a child involved, then stop. Kids are off limits.

  17. According to reddit logic 2 years; until both parties are past 25, then it doesn’t matter.

    But this only applies to older guys dating down. For women it is fair game since they are on a timer ig? Man idk…

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