How can I improve my life by 1% over the next 30 days?

  1. Hell, you can improve it 10% just by sleeping better. Leave your phone in another room and go to bed half an hour before you want to be asleep. Congrats, your life is 10% better.

  2. Drink more water and drink less of everything else.

    Eat more healthily.

    Exercise more.

  3. 1. Ignore the no-fap bullshit pseudoscience. Masturbation addiction is one thing, but it’s perfectly healthy to have an occasional wank.

    2. Learn new skills – maybe a coding language.

    3. Start working out if you aren’t already

  4. Just 1%? Track your diet / macros. It’ll improve your life by way more than 1% but why not take the extra.

  5. I advice you to learn some new cooking skills.

    It may be a bit expensive depending on what you want to learn, but even on low budget this will definitely improve your life.

  6. Get sunlight in your eyes in the morning when the sun is just rising, so you sleep better. Saw that on the Huberman lab podcast and it helped me sleep better.

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