Had two dates over the last two weeks, both were nice. After the second date I said we should do something next week, she said sure. She texted me the next day with something kinda funny, we went back and forth over text a bit, with a few hours in between responses. I again said I had a great time and we should hang out next week. She gave that text a thumbs up.

Fast forward to last night, I shoot her a call to ask if she’s free on a specific day to go to the beach. But I get no response. I didn’t leave a message or text, probably should have though.

Now I’m sitting here wondering if I’ve been ghosted, or is she was busy, or if she thought I called by accident. I don’t know. But I don’t know what my next move is. She’s cute and I don’t wanna mess this up. How should I proceed?

1 comment
  1. It’s still very early days. I call my GF with the expectation that she’ll pick up/call me back in short order. Not someone I’ve been on two dates with. In the early days, I use text to communicate 99.9% of the time. And in the unlikely event I do call, I’d have no problem following up via text once, which is what you should do now.

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