If you are seeing someone (regardless of gender) when do you have that conversation? Do you ask for testing between partners?

  1. If it looks like sex is on the cards then I bring it up. I need to know someone’s attitude towards condoms and STI testing.

  2. Probably an unpopular opinion, but first date. If it’s going to be a deal breaker for either of you, it’s better to just disclose and not waste anyone’s time. This is especially true if sex isn’t going to be on the table until feelings are. Not disclosing an STD before someone starts to fall for you is both manipulative and cruel.

  3. As soon as sex is on the table. Sometimes that’s when texting before the first date, sometimes it while making out at the bar before you’re about to Uber home together, sometimes it’s a month after you started dating.

  4. Sorry to butt in like this, but in addition to the original question: How often do you get tested for STD’s? (Sorry if it’s a rude question to ask, but I am very curious)

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