Basically what the title says.
Me (23) and my bf (23) are really open to trying new things and we‘re never judging each other when doing so.
I started joking around lately with throwing my panties in his direction when I was about to take a shower or giving him my underwear when we‘re doing laundry to have him „something to look at“.
Yesterday he told me he always really needs to fight the urge to just smell them. And when I told him he could just do it and I don’t think that‘s strange he kind of hesitated.
So I really want him to do so if he likes.
Here‘s my question(s).
– Do men like the smell in general or is it kind of a „fetish“ thing?
– Do I have to care about being ultra clean Or is it okay if I just give him my worn undies after the day if he wants them?
– I‘m really insecure about my private parts in general when he‘s eating me out or just looking at them, thinking maybe he doesn’t like the look of it.
I‘m really new to this so I want it to be enjoyable and a happy experience for him.

Any advice is really welcome! <3

  1. Had a problem with missing panties once. I found them in his pillow case on laundry day. I was was like “woah wtf?!” but also, it made me feel good. We talked about it and he said he loved the smell. I’m betting a lot of men out there love their partner’s smell too and are secret panty sniffers.

  2. I think it’s about your pheromones. Your underwear will have more of them since they’re next to your body all day. You don’t need to worry about being “extra” clean, in fact the longer you wear them the more he’ll probably like them. Don’t label or worry about it being a “fetish” thing or not if he likes it, he likes it and there’s nothing wrong with it. If he was single and buying used underwear off the internet…that’d definitely be a fetish.

  3. I don’t think its weird…a woman’s scent can be amazing…maybe a slight kink that he wants to smell your panties…I dont think you have to worry about being super clean but you probably need to wear them for a bit to get your scent on them.

    If you want to do something together — you could try to introduce it during foreplay/just hanging out in private — like quietly slip them off and hand them to him or tell him to close his eyes and hold them up to his nose… and then throw in some dirty talk about what it makes think of, what he wants to do with them or you, etc…

  4. Nothing hotter than a woman’s scent. If he’s explicitly asking to smell them, you can bet he wants them smelling strong

  5. I think it’s pretty normal, but then I’m a guy (65m) who loves to sniff my wife’s (67f) panties. I also love to sniff her privates directly, it’s an important part of foreplay to me.

    It’s really sweet and respectful of him to ask first. I sniffed my wife’s panties for years before I told her about it! but she was and is fine with it. Now that she knows, she leaves them around for me and packs a well-used pair in my suitcase when I travel.

    Don’t worry about being ultra clean, the whole point is for there to be some scent there. If your hygiene is generally good, your panties will smell wonderful to him at the end of the day.

    If he’s eating you out or just looking at your private parts, he’s enjoying it and is supremely happy doing so. Don’t be insecure about this, your bf loves your look and your scent!

  6. Sniffing used panties is INCREDIBLY common. It kicks off part of a man’s lizard brain, as scent causes some of the strongest reactions in humans.

    There is a huge online market for selling used panties. Again, this is so common. If a man helps you with your laundry and he gets the chance, he’s probably going to sniff your panties. If you toss them to him and go to the bathroom, he’s probably going to sniff them.

    I can really only speak from my own experience and from what I’ve read from other men, but by and large, we don’t need the panties to be specially handled. Just wear them – and if you’ve been aroused (or maybe had sex, then put them back on), they can be incredible for us.

  7. I like to put point them at the end of pillow when I take naps so that I fall asleep smelling her.

  8. * I don’t know about ALL men, but I definitely like my wife’s scent. I would guess it’s rather common.

    * Please don’t bother with being ultra clean. He wants them to smell like you, not like fabric softener.

    * I suppose that insecurity is common among women. If he is eager to go down then he very likely is thrilled by what he’s seeing.

    Encourage him to be comfortable with his desired. He may feel some shame in this, or have some fear you will judge him. Reinforce with him it’s ok. (It sounds like you’re doing the right thing already).

  9. Humans have pheromones just as other species. The male of the species is particularly tuned in to detect fertility in a female. In less scientific terms. Pussy scent equals boner.

  10. I’m a panties sniffer, with her permission.

    I like when they smell like her pussy. Smell is a powerful memory trigger and I imagine her sitting on my face, when I’m jacking off with her panties on my face.

    I really like when there’s a faint smell of pee or sweat on them too. She uses a lota (water jug) or showers if she poops so I know there won’t be any bad smell from poop.

    Sometimes I masturbate her through sheer panties, she loves this and I know I’ll be keeping those panties and they will smell great.

    Sometimes I will ask her for her panties when she takes them off, and she says ‘no, not this time’ she may feel there is too much discharge or something else and I respect that. Sometimes she’ll shower at my house and rinse them out in the shower as Se knows I’ll sniff them when doing laundry. I respect these boundaries.

  11. He most definitely wants them used and fresh from you and you giving them to him instead of him sneaking them, like he has been is so much better. Smell is one of our oldest most primal senses and it goes deep into our caveman brain. I think most males have this, I know it’s one of my biggest fetishes, so awesome you guys can be open about such an intimate thing.

  12. If he loves it he loves it! As long as you don’t have a bacterial infection celebrate your bits!

  13. Surprised by how many people think it’s so widespread. Personally I think it is more of a fetish and niche thing. I find the thought of it off putting as a male myself. However as others said hygiene isn’t really an issue in that community, like just keep doing what you normally do and you will be fine.

  14. I’m a woman and I’ll sniff myself because I think it smells amazing 😅

    Nothing wrong with it at all 🙂

  15. * The answer is YES. The smell is amazing! Could be classified as a fetish, but smells play a lot into sex overall.
    * Depends on him. I’d personally be fine with anything that’s not period blood or #2
    * Considering he does that, I’d like to guess he loves it down there and he loves you enough to worship

  16. I love when they are covered in white juices, she always makes comments when she takes them off like ‘oooo looks like ive been excited today’




  17. Well, he opened up and told you, why don’t you ask him all your questions and tell him about worries and insecurities? Communication is the key. You can also ask him how he wants you to hand them to him. Directly, put them in one of his pockets as a surprise, or in bed, ..

  18. When my wife and I were dating and living apart I’d always request a worn pair from her to help me out til the next time I seen her. I especially loved the ones she was wet in while we were together. A woman’s scent can be truly intoxicating for some of us.

  19. Biologically we are all wired to be attracted to the opposite sex’s hormonal smells.

    Look at nature, they love to smell pee.

    I love the smell left over on my mustache from my wife before I shower lmao

  20. You’re going to have to talk to him to see what he likes specifically. For myself, the more of her natural smell on them, the better. She actually leaves her used panties on my pillow every day. Sometimes they get shoved into my mouth as well. Lots of fun to be had!

  21. He may already be doing that when your not looking. Kinda sounds like you threw him a curve ball that he won’t expected. I myself will take a smell of my wife’s from time to time. I love the way she smells and have told her so. Just don’t push to hard on him. Sounds like he may still be exploring himself.

  22. My man is ALLLLLL about my scents. Even the ones I feel self conscious about. It makes me feel so hot!

  23. Wife passed me her wet panties in the car yesterday during an adventure. I smelled them the whole way home.

  24. Very common thing. I love panties, not the smelling but masturbating with them and cumming in them is amazing.

  25. Haha well Idk if I would sniff underwear, but I definitely like the smell! This is embarrassing for me, but I have sniffed hoodies that go down to that area because it smells like her. I feel like it’s probably an evolutionary thing to appreciate the (healthy) smell of your partner

  26. We are dog’s by nature we love the smell of our territory just go with it a have good communication to relax your mind.

  27. I’ve always wanted a partner to keep and smell my panties. I think it’s flattering

  28. First off I’m sure he loves all of you and second yea some guys do like the smell of used underwear. It’s definitely a fetish thing, but there’s nothing wrong with fetishes. You said it’s okay for him and maybe he feels weird showing you that side. Being open is amazing, but maybe to him that’s a personal kink he isn’t ready to share.

  29. Yes, the smell is great.

    If you’re healthy than absolutely give it to him after you’ve come home from work or a long day.

    Sometimes my wife will put her panties in my work bag as a nice treat or leave a pair for me if she’s going out for the night so I have some material to pound off to.

    Sometimes if she’s not into sex for the night I’ll go under the covers as she’s getting comfy before bed and smell her while I take care of myself. It’s delightful.

  30. My girl knows I like a whiff here and there and has always been open to me doing so. She has always said that she didn’t understand why I liked doing it because she thinks it smells bad but I’ve reassured her that that’s not the case for me. It’s something she looks out for time to time and try’s to hint at the availability. She definitely finds it hot. Lol

  31. Wear them for a day then give them to him the more moist the better also inaboslutlynlove the smell of panties u habe to let them smell I love smelling the feramone given of drives me insane

  32. Ur bf is lucky if he don’t want them uncna send them to me hahaha only joking lucky guy

  33. My partner lives far away. I have a pair of her tights which were soaked in her pussy juice (she was very happy to see me). When I feel lonely, I’ll sniff them and smell her scent and not feel so alone.

    So it’s not really a fetish? It’s probably something encoded in us at the instinctual level. The smell of a beloved’s pussy makes us happy.

  34. He knows what piss shit and pussy smells like he wants to do it with you Looking this time. Smell fetish . I understand

  35. Husband here, I smell my wife’s panties from time to time when she ain’t around. It just reminds me of the smell when I go down there and eat the shit out of her 😂

  36. There’s nothing wrong dirty or fetishy about this. He is your partner. Your scent drives him wild. Sniff away my man 😌

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