After talking to a girl I met on Bumble for 4 days I managed to get her phone number. The day after I asked her if I can call her that afternoon and she said yes. The phone convo was really good, I enjoyed it and she did too. But I left the phone convo first because I had other things planned with my friends that I needed to go to.

Now here is the thing, I texted her a good morning message followed by a checking in on you message and I realized that her replies were short and very slow. She told me she was at work, she is a doctor and I’m a software engineer, I was off yesterday. She did tell me she was texting to other people as well.

Now can you guys give me some advice to win her over, or is it time to let go and move on. I will be updating this every step of the way.

I have been texting her for 2 days on WhatsApp now.
Here are the text convos I talked about:

1 comment
  1. She’s not interested in you brother, she wants attention. Most women on dating apps are there for attention. She got her fix from you, shes not asking about your day, and what youre getting up to

    You’re a king and you deserve better.
    Send her back to the streets.
    See you in the gym brother.

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