First, that’s bullshit you both gotta be interested in each other duh!

Second, if I’m focusing on the right things there’s no one interested in me. The teacher on locks the door for students to go in and is always late because they’re the director of the chemistry department. I think about that comment I read and I look around. No one’s staring at me no one talks to me while the teacher is doing whatever they’re doing. I dress well, walk with my head up, and take care of my hygiene. I realized no one in any of my classes talks to me before or after class. If they talk to me during class it’s because they have to and that doesn’t mean anything I’m sure if they didn’t have to they wouldn’t. I don’t want to seem like I think anyone owes me anything so I’ll use a negative. Why am I not interesting or eye drawing?

I don’t approach anyone because I’m assuming they’d all rather be left alone and they don’t talk to anyone else when leaving class so I assume I’m right. Maybe it’s my small town which isn’t small at all to me with 150,000 people being in the top 50 biggest cities in California but whatever. Maybe I just go to move to LA. I went to the first psych club meeting and that was just talking about what the club does and trips we’re planning and giving people club positions. No one talked to each other when we left the club that I noticed at least. I think my generation is just anti-social. I’m 18 I have autism one of my friends has autism and another ex friend got diagnosed with adhd. Maybe my small town really is small and everyone just has autism. I don’t know people just don’t want to talk to anyone outside their circle even if there circle isn’t there to talk to they’d rather be alone. Me too. Someone else want to give a tl;dr I’m not good at summaries.

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