I am a guy in his mid twenties and am pursuing a career in social work and am very passionate and a hard worker. I am kind of worried about it ruining my chances in the dating world, since it’s not the highest income though. Would an average income turn you away? Think 60-90k

  1. Most women who make equal to you, or less than you, won’t have a problem with dating you. Some of the women with higher income than you will steer clear.

    There are a few studies showing that women prefer men who make more money than them. But that’s just a hypothetical preference. People also break their stated preferences all the time when the rubber meets the road.

  2. I think there’s nothing wrong with your salary. I make 120K and would date someone with your salary

  3. If someone was passionate about their career choice and it didn’t negatively impact the person’s ability to pay their bills, then it really shouldn’t matter.

    If someone is genuinely interested in YOU, what you can give them materialistically won’t be a factor in their attraction. It won’t be the case for all women, but the one who is right for you will love you- not your money or lack thereof.

  4. If you are in the US (most other countries is less), median for full time working men is 51k (meaning around half make less) and only 30% make over 80k…60-90k is above average to top 25% so I’m not sure who told you that’s average income.

  5. Sure, some women will be happy to date you, but you improve your chances of success with a more lucrative career. Despite what responses you get here, most women DO care how much money you make. If you’re in a major metro area, that income may seem pretty challenging after awhile. If you were my son, I’d advise you consider a different career with higher earning potential. But, you’ve got to be happy in life and if you’ve given this career a lot of thought and know what you’re in for, I can’t really see a reason to try and convince you otherwise.

    I have a degree in biology and have been well below the poverty line, had to skip meals, struggle to put together enough money for gas to get me into work, etc. I’m now pretty successful and make well into the six figures. From my own experience, life is a lot better with more resources. I realize that’s not groundbreaking, but some folks seem to think doing a specific task for 40 hrs/week is more important than the other 128 hrs of the week where they get to do whatever it is they want. Dating/life is more fun when you don’t have to count quarters for gas money.

  6. 60k is an above average salary in the us, the actual median in most not high income cities is like 35

  7. No. You’re passionate about social work which shows a lot about who you are as a person, and this is what will attract a woman to you. If you want to meet and be with someone that aligns with you as a person, if she turns you away because of your salary, she won’t be the right one for you.

    A genuine woman, will see further than just what you earn.

  8. It will largely depend on the type of woman you are trying to date.

    If she sees your money as an avenue to her not having to work then that probably won’t cut it unless you are living in a part of the country where costs are lower.

    If she earns more than you and has decided that she wants a partner that earns more than her then it might be an issue as well.

    Generally though, if a guy can cover his life expenses and meet a woman as an equal partner then it’s not going to be a problem.

    If you run into one of those women who demand that their potential partners make six figures because “that’s what they deserve” well then your salary just might save you from having to deal with a person like that and you should be thankful.

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