What does a lack of love do to a man?

  1. For me, it turned me into an unemotional zombie as a coping mechanism. I have the emotional range of a jellyfish😂

  2. Makes him addicted to loneliness. Makes him unemotional, indifferent, and guilty whenever some love comes.

    Not my case anymore tho… but it used to be a bit like that.

  3. This + deprivation of sex = literal wars. We think the whole world is America but out in the world these are very effective control and mobilization weapons.

  4. I don’t know what a proper relationship is supposed to look like so I doubt if I would be able to maintain one even if they initiated.

  5. Everyday is the same. You know you aren’t happy, but you can’t bring yourself to cry let alone show any emotion.

  6. In an ideal world it motivates him to make whatever changes he needs to, to make himself someone *worth* loving.

  7. Worst case scenario: he starts to follow Andrew Tate

    Best case scenario: he improves himself and learns to love himself. Finds out that the world still holds a lot of beauty for single men. At some point he might become a genuinely better person that other people gravitate towards. Thus, problem solved.

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