Been thinking about this for a while and figured a FwB situation suits me perfectly right now but i have no clue how one even goes about meeting someone to set that up as a guy. any advice on meeting a women who also would want a FwB situation?

  1. Dating apps maybe?

    I met my previous one in a dorm like one in college.

    My current gf meter previous fwb at a social club so if you don’t want to do online then join a social club and keep your eyes open I guess.

  2. There’s no one specific way to go about it. Basically the same way you’d try to meet someone you want to date, except you explain what you want upfront

  3. If it was easy then everyone would have one. Jerk off/pay a hooker/get a girlfriend but don’t tell her your dating


  4. Tinder and Bumble have filters for ppl looking for something casual! That’s how I’ve met mine

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