My boyfriend recently found out that the program he wants to do isn’t available in the province we live in (I lived here my whole life and he’s lived here a few months). He has no idea what to do and I’ve been offering support to him.

He was telling me that he was thinking of moving back to the province where he came from to do the program, as he doesn’t like the province we live in and he would know more people in his old province.

As he was telling me this, I couldn’t help but feel really sad about the possibility of him moving away to another province for school. I expressed to him that I felt really sad about this possibility and got a bit teary eyed. But then I immediately apologized and said I was being selfish for doing this. He reassured me that I wasn’t being selfish for feeling sad about this and his decision wasn’t set in stone yet so I shouldn’t worry.

I still feel lowkey selfish for being sad over this possibility and expressing those feelings to him, because I don’t want to hold him back from what he really wants to do. Am I being selfish for being sad about the possibility of my boyfriend moving away to a different province for school?

TD;LR: I feel selfish for for being sad about the possibility of my boyfriend moving away to a different province for school, even though my boyfriend tells me I’m not

  1. Expressing your emotions to your partner isn’t selfish. Feeling sad about your partner leaving isn’t selfish.

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