How would you react if you met a woman who was into sounding?

  1. “That’s cool, but I’m not interested in that. You’re free to satisfy that fetish with someone else.”

    I tried it a little bit as a weird teenager, and didn’t find it to be particularly exciting.

  2. I would probably give it a shot. Introductory level or whatever. I’ve had a doctor put a camera down there so I at least have a rough idea of what to expect.

  3. I mean, everybody has their proclivities, and what they do behind closed doors is none of my business or concern so long as it’s consensual.

    Not for me though.

  4. Welp I googled it and it wasn’t as bad as I imagined. I guess coz I saw video of men pulling out AA battery out of his dick as teen. This was before when everyone had internet connection at home and it was on CD, which was full of random short videos lol.

  5. I don’t it say that she exclusively like to sound her partner. Maybe she likes to do it to herself.

    If that’s the case, then I think I would be fine. I meant, unless she want to go into the extreme stuff. Then I would have to bail.

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