My boyfriend and I cuddle often and he likes to have his arm under me. However, I am always nervous that I am causing his arm to go to pins and needles till it falls off. I will ask him if his arm hurts and he ALWAYS says no. There are times where I feel like he’s getting uncomfortable but he insists that his arm is fine. How long does it take for a guys arm to fall asleep when a girl is lying on it?

tl;dr How long does it take for your arm to fall asleep while cuddling?

  1. If he’s willing to cuddle you until his arm falls off, he’s a keeper. You’ll just have to lend him a hand once in a while.

  2. He knows better than you how his arm feels, and you should respect what he says about it. I’d drop it altogether. If you’ve been cuddling an unusually long time, feel free to check in on him, but then believe his answer.

  3. When I first cuddled with my wife I swear to God my arm felt like it was dead but did not disturb her sleep, it was worth it!

  4. It depends entirely on the person.

    I think if you ask if his arm is ok and he says it is, you need to trust that he’s telling the truth.

  5. The first thing a guy will do when cuddling is to get into a position that doesn’t make his arms go numb. If he’s telling you he is fine, then he is fine.

  6. Sorry but this seems a case of WAY overthinking things WAY too much. IF he’s hurting, he should tell you, end of story… basic communication skills.

    plus, if you are THAT worried, just ask him if he’s confortable every once in a while… again, basic communication skills.

  7. When the cuddles slaps, the numb arm isn’t an issue. Just tell them to let you know if they’re uncomfortable bc you care about their comfort. Sometimes my arm get numb right away when my shoulder is at a certain angle so there’s no “time” really. Just communicate that you’re nervous about making them uncomfortable.

  8. This is cute.
    Communication is very important in a relationship, so, ask him! Ask in a moment that you are not cuddling together. Tell him that you worry about this and that you need him to be honest with you. Perhaps you can even agree in having some signal or indication if his arm is starting to hurt.

  9. It takes a little practice to find the perfect position where you’re both comfortable. There’s no set time, it depends on the angle. My BF tells me when his arm goes dead or I’m hurting his shoulder. We want to enjoy cuddling and speaking up is the best way to accomplish that.

  10. So with my gf now, she doesn’t like having my arm under her as she also doesn’t like the arm going numb. However if I put my arm up (above my head) or down (beside our hips) it’s painful on my shoulder.

    Under her is much better, so it’s something to think about… If he’s fine with it, then don’t worry. Also putting your arm under natural body crevices like your waist or neck is not bad at all.

  11. Adorable question. When our arms go dead, we move them. Just tell him to feel free to speak up if his arm falls asleep – he will, if it does.

  12. You are creating problems where none exist.

    Let him be responsible for his own arm, and discomfort. You just enjoy the snuggles. If he needs to move, he will.

  13. Depends on your weight and his strength. I had women that were worried while they weighed 50kg with shoes on so I literally didn’t feel a thing. If he says he doesn’t feel a thing then just don’t think about it.
    It’s not really about weight it’s about not digging into any vein or muscle with shoulder or arm.

  14. Sometimes your arm can get uncomfortable, for me I can typically go a couple of hours. It really depends on how strong the arm is versus how heavy your head is. If he says it doesn’t hurt it probably doesn’t hurt. You can only lie about that variety of pain for so long before you have to say something about it. For some girls I tapped out early and some girls it was never an issue.

  15. As a former 20 year old man, I will tell you this.

    He will never tell you. Just shift every once in a while so he can move his arm. Or better yet, move his arm around you.

  16. Haha I used to have this worry as well. I tried with him on my arm one time. Hes bigger than me but it took a long time for my arm to start to get uncomfortable. Usually when his arm gets tired, he’ll just pull it out and we cuddle a different way.

  17. It totally depends! I was always a big cuddler and I’ve had guys that let me deadweight flop across them all night. Other guys are more sensitive to it, and they’ll just scoot their arm out when it’s uncomfortable.

    If he says it doesn’t bother him, then I would trust him to be honest. Just let him know that you don’t mind if he moves his arm when it stops being comfortable, because you want cuddling to be just as enjoyable for him!

    Also, this is adorable and you guys both sound sweet as pie!

  18. Lay on your stomach with your arm under you. Now check the time. When did your arm start tingling or falling asleep or hurting? Lay on his arm less than that.

    Also communication. Hey am I bothering your arm? I don’t want you uncomfortable.

  19. This is so wholesome.

    I wouldn’t worry about it, just trust if he’s okay then he’s okay. Sometimes our arm’s fall asleep but we enjoy it regardless so we don’t want to move.

  20. I’m confused. Why don’t you just trust your bf about whether or not he’s too uncomfortable to continue cuddling? If he says he’s fine, he’s fine.

  21. This is such a cute and innocent post, a real breath of fresh air from the other things I normally see on here.

    I actually laughed out loud because it reminded me of myself years ago. Thanks for this 🙂

    Also, this is normal in the honeymoon phase. You’ll both cuddle despite being uncomfortable, and even sleep in uncomfortable positions trying to accommodate each other or trying to be “cute” and sleep in each other’s arms. It goes away with time when you relax a bit and realize it’s not actually offending the other person if you sleep back to back. He’ll move his arm eventually!

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