I’ve been seeing this couple for almost 6 months now. At first we were all having fun then the wife started being distant. They would tell me to come over and she would just leave and I’d be by myself with the husband. I made sure to ask if they’re both ok with it and they told me that they decided to each see separate people so the husband seeing me and her seeing another guy she met.

Then last week she started texting me flirting and saying she misses me. She asked me to meet up with her at her friend’s house. The husband told me it was fine and that I should go so I went. What happened there that night was by far my worst sexual experience. There were 2 guys, not just her “friend”. And it basically turned into a situation where she was watching them do things to me. I don’t want to get into too many details but they were rough and wouldn’t listen to me at all. I literally have bruises from them still.

After that night, I didn’t want to answer any of her texts or calls. I haven’t even gone back to their place yet since, the husband just comes over to mine. Now today he just told me that his wife is saying if I don’t want to deal with her anymore and do things that please her then they’re going to go back to a closed relationship and break up with me.

This is so unfair because how can she try to force me to do things I’m not into? The way those guys treated me was humiliating and I hated it. Now I have to break up with her husband that I actually enjoy spending time with if I don’t want to do it again? I don’t want to stop seeing him … just looking for some advice if you have any

(Throw away account, hoping they don’t see this)

  1. It sounds like you were assaulted and I’m sorry that happened to you.

    This doesn’t sound like an arrangement that you should stay in. Let them close their relationship and go and find someone that won’t coerce you into doing things you don’t want to do.

  2. She wants to see you sexually assaulted repeatedly. You don’t want to experience that. If that is what she REQUIRES of you, then you have no choice but to close the door on this one.

  3. >She asked me to meet up with her at her friend’s house. The husband told me it was fine and that I should go so I went. What happened there that night was by far my worst sexual experience. There were 2 guys, not just her “friend”. And it basically turned into a situation where she was watching them do things to me. I don’t want to get into too many details but they were rough and wouldn’t listen to me at all. I literally have bruises from them still.

    That certainly sounds a lot like rape.

    So, yeah, you absolutely should not meet with any of these people again.

    Good riddance to garbage people, if you’re not going to pursue legal action.

  4. You’re going to have to stop seeing him. Or at the very least you need to have an honest talk with him if he doesn’t know what went on and all that.

    But at the end of the day you’re in a place where he’s going to have to choose his wife, or you. It’s not safe for you to just show up at some “friend’s” house to entertain his wife by being forced or coerced into sex you don’t want. That’s called rape.

  5. I would get as far away from them as possible. She set you up and she probably wants to do worse. Clearly, she can’t handle the situation and is probably hatefully jealous of you. Sounds toxic all the way around. Good luck.

  6. It sounds like the wife wants to “punish” you for being with her husband. In order to continue seeing him, you have to submit to her abuse.

    No matter how much you enjoy his company, his dick isn’t worth being humiliated and assaulted just to get some from him.

  7. If the husband csred about you, and was upset about his wife’s kink, then he would leave her. He doesn’t want to leave her, he accepts her kink he is looking for a woman who is happy to be with him, and also happy to act out his wife’s kink of being r*d whilst the wife watches. That’s not you. So move on, and forget about this man.

  8. This wife seems like a manipulative monster. She was likely feeling jealous of you hanging around with her husband and wanted to feel sadistic pleasure by punishing you with sexual assault. I’m sorry you went through this. On top of that, she has all the say in her relationship with her husband, she decides if its open or not, and even dictates how he should feel.

    This seems like a dangerous dynamic to be involved and the trade-off is to be hanging out with the husband. I would run as far away as possible from all of this!

  9. Something is not right here. She is either jealous of you and had you roughed up as revenge or she gets off on this kind of thing. First, tell the husband what happened and you are sorry but you will not be seeing him any more or his wife. You were assaulted and no guy should not rough up a woman when she yells for him to stop what he is doing as he is hurting you. You deserve better than this. You need to physically heal from this. Consider reporting this to the police since these guys assaulted you.

  10. You were unicorn hunted, and are being manipulated and abused.

    Get out now. Forget the husband. Just go, ASAP.

  11. Situation is definitely fucked up for you. Stay and you will be putting yourself in that situation again more than likely. Real question you have to ask yourself who do you love and respect more?Yourself or the two of them because it seems like a package deal if you stay!

  12. That’s assault. I’m so sorry this happened, please end things with this couple, and seek therapy ❤️

  13. You should be aware of some grooming going on here. You are being coerced into a situation. I would be cautious and suspicious of the husband. T

    Also, there is no way this couple is going back to a closed relationship. If their fetishes are this far, they both know they are not going to be satisfied is monogamous relationship.

  14. Wow….. She sounds SICK. Trust me the husband knows exactly what she planned to put you through. You gotta get out before you get seriously hurt more than you already have. Let go of the pipe dream that he’s going to leave her to be with you. If he has a wife that swings with him and let’s him enjoy encounters without her, there is probably no chance that he’s leaving her.

  15. I feel so angry for you!!!!

    Omg!! Wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Were is the fucking communication? You are not a toy they toss around and play with whenever they please!!!

    First of all, they should have talked to you when they “decided” to date separately. The husband told you once you asked which I don’t like of him doing btw!!

    Then the wife being so confusing and deciding to see you again without any communication prior, and worse, not telling you at all what was going to happen and ask you for your consent.

    They disregarded you completely and everyone ignored your non consent!! This whole situation is so awful, and the husband being so passive and giving you his wife’s orders is so infuriating!!!

    My opinion break up with them. They suck. There is no communication, no asking for consent and respecting your boundaries. Goodness, the wife saw you, she SAW YOU not being listened to and ignored it. Like she doesn’t care about you also enjoying your experience and that is so fucked up!!

    They suck you deserve better and let them both know of how much they f suck!!

  16. What happened to your at wife’s friends place is sexual assault. Report it immediately. And if the wife needs to be a sadist & see you harmed, you should leave husband immediately. If needed & really wants to see you, he can see u discreetly so u r not bound by the crazy wife’s rules!

  17. She probably hates that her husband prefers spending time with you. So she enjoys seeing you getting sexually assaulted. She hates you and wants to take her anger out on you

  18. You’re 100% right, they can’t pressure you into doing things you don’t wanna do. Just refuse to do them. Don’t even entertain them

    In that same vein, you can’t force the husband to stay with you. If he wants to leave for whatever reason, welp. You need to break this off and move on, don’t let them pressure you into being their toy to abuse

  19. Her husband told you that it was fine and to go ahead and go? He was in on it and he doesn’t feel that bad.

    If you keep in contact with both, you’re setting yourself up for more assault now that that door has been opened

  20. Another abusive open marriage dynamic.
    Anyway, dump them both, she’s the puppet master and she will make him cut ties with you, there’s no scenario where you get what you want in this situation.

  21. Tbh. To me, she got jealous and didn’t want to see you anymore, he did or she didn’t want to seem jealous, so brought up seperating, she “found” (who knows I could doubt it) a guy, new set up, then she manipulated you, set up you being assaulted hoping she’d traumatize you to never be around again including her husband.

    Now that didn’t work, so the new set up is black mailing you and badically assaulting you or you never see them again. Which she assumes no one would agree to after obviously knowing from your distancing how upsetting that was to you.

    Abuse, control, rape, none of this is okay.

    Think about it, and also why they would be “closed again” not “maybe this isn’t working out and we will find another girl”. Also why she didn’t assume something was wrong with that, or you pulling back afterward and checking on you or apologizing, only blackmailing via her husband.

    Protect yourself. File charges if you want because that was assault and she orchestrated this. She is controlling and abusive, and her husband is either a naive moron or just as evil as she is if he actually doesn’t see this for what it is.


  22. Yes, I agree you were absolutley assualted. What a terrible position you are in you dont need to do anything jist because she wants you to. Unfortunately the only way to stay safe is to leave the relationship with the husband and the wife.

    I am sorry you dont deserve to be treated that way.

    You can go to the police.

  23. I gotta ask , are you a man or women? Because I read this entirely picturing you as a man.

    Not that it makes a deference regarding gender.
    Like most people have mentioned, if you don’t want to do something then you shouldn’t have to. You’re a catch and if they lose you then that sucks for them.

  24. It sounds like his wife is intentionally doing this to you because her husband likes you. You need to get out of this situation for yourself, respect and dignity.

  25. Yes this was definitely a set up for her to get you alone to abuse you. She was probably pressured into the situation in the first place by the husband and is clearly uncomfortable. Now she will do anything to make you pay for taking his attention away from her.

  26. PLEASE report the wife to the police, and of course the wife’s friends too if you know their names. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, it sounds like a really complicated situation. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I think you’re putting the husband on a pedestal, while devaluing yourself. If he is begging you to forgive his wife, then he’s not really sorry for what happened. Any normal person would run far away from anyone who would do that, no matter how many kids, cars, or years of history they have together. You also keep saying you have nothing, and that isn’t true. You have yourself, and even though I don’t know you, I’m sure you have SO much to offer in a relationship. What happened to you was vile, and you didn’t deserve it. I really hope you can cut these people off, despite how hard it is, because you shouldn’t have had to experience that, and you should never have to experience it again. I also really hope you can heal from this, obviously I don’t know you but this post really struck a chord with me for some reason. Thank you for reading if you did, and I hope nothing but the best for you 🙂

  27. You were sexually assaulted and she orchestrated it. Her husband begged you to forgive her because he’s trying to defend her from legal action that you rightfully CAN take. He is not a man you want to stay with if he is willing to forgive what his wife has done to you. You are being abused by this couple who have much more life experience than you, and if you try and stay, they will continue to abuse you.

    Even if you don’t report it, please go get checked out. Get screened for STIs and have those bruises checked out and documented. This sounds like it has been a terrifying ordeal for you, please watch our for yourself because he certainly is not watching out for you and you deserve better.

  28. I would break up and seriously consider pressing assault charges against her and the two individuals. If you clearly stated your boundaries, as it sounds then this is sexual assault.

  29. So, if I understand this correctly… a precondition of you seeing the husband is that his wife gets to organize sexual assault parties periodically where you are the piñata?

    And he knows about this, and doesn’t like it either, but his position is “sorry, if my wife can’t have you humiliated and assaulted whenever she feels like, I guess I just have to say goodbye to you” … and somehow, you think this guy isn’t the world’s BIGGEST piece of shit?

    Like, fuck this, and fuck no. You were raped. Call the fucking police. People had sex with you against your wishes, and over your verbal objections. That is rape. Rape is a crime. Your boyfriend’s wife is an accessory to rape, and your boyfriend knows you were raped, *and is siding with the rapists.*

    Gulag for everyone involved. These people do not deserve to live freely under the sun with the rest of us non-monsters. Call the fucking police before these weirdos hurt someone else.

    Once you call the cops and get these violent sickos put away, I would suggest getting some therapy yourself.

  30. You’re being assaulted, and the husband you admire so much is okay with it. He’s staying married to a woman who set up and watched your assault.

    Whether he’d leave her for you, or for his own standards doesn’t matter. He’s staying with someone who is okay with people being assaulted.

    That’s all you need to know about both of these people.

  31. Dude value and respect yourself a little bit more… no man is worth that. If that was the first time, can you imagine what will come after that? You’ll become their prostitute. A human trafficking case

  32. All this woman had to do is tell her husband she had become uncomfortable with the open relationship. It would have spared both of you grief. Setting you up to be raped by two men while she watched is evil, and there’s no excuse for it. If her husband wants to stay married to a monster who becomes so jealous of an innocent person who cares for her that she wishes violent sexual assault on them and even goes so far as to set it up and make sure it happens, then he is just as disgusting. You should tell him this too.

    I hope you’ve already broken up with them. And really, you should report it to the police. They might go back to a closed relationship, but who knows? Maybe they’ll change their mind again. You need to protect others from her too. The nasty cunt.

  33. Meh. This is what you have to deal with in this kind of very open relationship. If you don’t like it, don’t do it any more.

  34. That sounds like a massive sexual abuse. You should report her and her „friends“ to the police.

  35. this is the main reason that a lot of bisexual women will tell you to be careful about the “unicorn” situations you may encounter. for a lot of people they are using you as a sex toy, and this seems like the worst version of that. and now that you are hurt and have decided to have boundaries. you are essentially putting the guy in a “me or her” type of situation that you likely will not win. please don’t take it as a statement of who you are if they are no longer willing to deal with you once you start being protective of your own needs, because i can easily see this one coming to an emotional close and they seem like selfish and toxic people.

    i’m really sorry this happened to you ❤️

  36. That wasn’t a “sexual experience”, it was a sexual assault. Maybe you were trying to be open-minded in your approach to the evening and going with the flow, but the second you started asserting yourself and they ignored you, it became an assault.

    And the fact that she didn’t tell you those other guys were going to be present makes it sound very much like a setup. I would not at all be shocked if she seriously resents your relationship with her husband and wants to be in a position of power over you so she can punish you whenever she feels like it. She’s probably given her husband an ultimatum as well in order to compel him to be complicit in her efforts to coerce you into things you didn’t consent to. Shit’s fucked. You need to get as far away from both of them as possible because if their dynamic was any more toxic their marriage would be an EPA superfund site.

    I might even go so far as to file a restraining order or otherwise get some official documentation because the wife in particular sounds like the kind of vindictive and manipulative person that would try to get YOU in trouble just to further mess up your life. Your call of course, but in any case you need to GTFO and cut your losses.

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