Guys, what makes your partner angry?

  1. It used to be when I’d take off without telling her where I was going.🤣😬

  2. To my knowledge, we have never fought in 22 years. We’ve had disagreements but never loud voice yelling at each other. And never gone to bed angry. But the ONLY time I’ve seen her genuinely angry was when we I did not kiss her goodbye when I left for work one time. She had a REALLY bad night with one of the babies. So I woke up at my regular time. I took great care in not waking her as she softly snored. Literally, getting dressed in the bathroom to not have light on her and possibly wake her up. And I quietly slipped out. I talked to her on the phone that day. No mention of anything. She was tired….not unusual. But when I got how she asked me, “Did you kiss me goodbye this morning?” I confessed that I did not and the reason why. I don’t know if it was post-partum hormones or just the tiredness but HOLY HELL!!!! She read me the riot act. “Don’t you EVER do that again!!!” Now….if some people were to see that exchange would probably say that was not an argument and that she was not angry. But it’s the closest side to angry I’ve ever seen her, and I don’t ever want to get that close again. lol!

    See, one of the things she has gotten across to me over the years is that people in relationships have to do the little stuff, consistently. It’s in the little stuff that adds to the strength of the relationship. It’s a slippery slope that she never wants to get close to.

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