I will start this by saying my brother and I have never really gotten along. We live in the south and he is your typical tobacco chewing, big truck driving, deer hunting, redneck. This is fine I don’t have an issue with this we just don’t have much in common.

I am a huge computer nerd, (been told I’m pretty smart), I’d rather watch a documentary than anything else on TV. You get the idea. Another area where we butt heads is I am bisexual and my husband and I have been married for a year, been together for 8 years in October.

So about the house…my grandpa left his house in mine and my brothers name because at the time my dad and uncle were on drugs and he was afraid they’d just sell it for drug money. We went to a lawyer and signed all the paper work and for the past 18 years all have been well. I had talked with him about selling my half because I don’t want to stay here forever.

I am on disability and on a fixed income my brother makes a considerable amount of money he just is pretty recklessly with it. We had the house assessed and it’s valued at just over $120,000 which means if I sold my half to my brother naturally he would owe me approximately $60,000 (honestly I’d give him a break of like $50,000 because he’s my brother.)

Now we had discussed I may take $10,000 under the condition he was going to give me a car (brewer nice one) as I was in desperate need of transportation at the time.

He called me last week on a Sunday morning telling me I had to hurry and clean the house as he wanted to show it the next day or Tuesday. I told him I needed way more notice than that. He told me his friend was being forced out of his home because they are going to be building a new road.

(It was just approved that following Friday so it’s be months before any actual work started and they’d be forced out). Now here’s where I get pissed off and I will provide a text of what he told me.

That I agreed to sell my half to him for $10,000 and if I didn’t do it now then I could forget selling it to him cause he wouldn’t. I told him to just forget it then I’d keep staying here if he wanted to stay with me that’s cool but if he’s gonna be like that and not be fair knowing I can’t buy his half then we just would never sell.

I am so pissed but he’s always been like this taking advantage of me and never talking to me unless he wants something.

Tldr; I owe the house I live in with my brother and he wants to low ball me for the portion of my part of the house.

  1. Your brother doesn’t seem to care about your well-being, and wants to make money on your back. Stay where you are. You do t have rent to pay, and your disability will go farther.
    If you can sell your half for a little below market value ** but to a 3rd person. Not your brother, then they can force a sale and make a profit and everybody but your brother will be happy.

    Or you force a sale on the house and you can just split the proceeds. Don’t accept anything but money. No cars or promises. You can buy a car on your own.

  2. I wouldn’t mix up the deals with the car and what not. You should stick to a fair price that is determined by recent and similar sales, or by getting an appraisal. If there is a car to be had that is a separate deal and shouldn’t be a reason to discount the house.

    What price do you think he would sell his half to you if the deal was the other way around?

  3. Stick to your $60k. Don’t budge. He’s trying to take advantage of you and it’s not ok.

    Think of what you could do with $60k. Invest some. Pir some towards a down payment. Buy some computer programmer classes so you can make good money and work remotely- a plus when you’re disabled. Invest in yourself and your husband’s future!

  4. 10k and a new car instead of 60k? Thats not a good deal. You could get a cheaper used car for 10k and still have 50k left over. I payed 4k for my used vehicle and its been 5 years with only regular maintenance. You can definitely find something good thats not brand new. He’s trying to rip you off, stick to your gut.

  5. Don’t take a depreciating asset in lieu of cash. And don’t give him a discount to market rate. You’re his brother, too, and he’s not offering to pay you more than the house is worth for that.

    The fact that you’ve considered doing either of these things should indicate to you that you’ve got a fairly dysfunctional relationship with your brother that you need to work on.

  6. Sick to getting the $60k and you can buy a good used car out of that with cash and still be left with like $50k.

    Your brother is trying to take advantage of you by coning you out of $50k.

    You don’t need a $40k of your on disability would you be comfortably be able to afford insurance, gas, maintenance, repairs for a car that expensive. You need like a generic common car so they are easy and cheaper to get repaired.

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