I’m talking to another single parent, he has children and is the only parent who is in his children’s lives. We have been socializing for a little bit and I’ve been noticing patterns over and over with his discussions.

First, I’ll add that both of his children have ADHD from their mother … he has also claimed that he could possibly have it as well. He has been explaining their difficult demeaner to me bc their dynamic is much different than the dynamic with my own.

I could ask this man a question and he will speak the answer and then turn it into a super long rant about his children’s previous actions or specific situations ( That I have heard over and over before form him ) he will explain a situation that I’ve heard from him and will literally repeat the details over and over and over and over.

As much as I’d love to hear about the mother of his children abandoning their children, I’ve heard it way too many times for it to be new to me. We were supposed to be making it about us, I’ve suggested that he goes to therapy because of his past trauma growing up as well as the way their mom done him.

I’ve attempted to bond, flirt or talk about something between us before but he inevitably usually cuts me off and dominates the conversation usually. I’ve had to push through this …

I’m wanting to chill and be cool but it’s starting to get old and there’s not really a chance of us getting along much. He will be here next week to take a trip here.

I’m annoyed. I feel like he wants me to come in and take the spot that their own mother didn’t want to fill all the while, listening to him complain about the same things over and over while not having MY own feet on the ground but instead filling shoes. It doesn’t feel authentic to me for some reason.

Id much rather just have an easy going dynamic than a “omg heal me” type situation. I’m done with being someone’s toxic adult son’s healing method.

  1. Why are you socializing with this guy? Sounds like he’s using you for a therapist.

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