It’s required to neatly sort the items into cardboard, tins, glass etc but I’ve seen them collect it and it all just gets mixed together again in the back of the truck.

  1. They use different trucks, that’s why the bins go out on different days. At least where I live.

  2. They don’t. If it’s all in ine truck, it will have different compartments for different waste. Councils get fines if they can’t prove they recycle a certain percentage of their waste collections

  3. Waste and recycling are local issues. You won’t get an accurate answer for what goes on in your local area by asking on a subreddit for the whole UK.

    I (Amber Valley) do not have to separate out my waste (except glass), it all goes in the same compartment in the back of the truck (except glass which has its own little bit). My mum has to separate hers out, it currently goes into a truck with separate compartments but previous contract holders for it have bunged it all in together for processing later (which is I believe what they do in the next council area over).

  4. You have one lorry collecting different bins?

    We have a schedule, mixed recycling (glass, metal and plastic), paper, food/garden waste and then general waste. Four separate bins, collected by separate vehicles.

  5. Dude what you are seeing is mixed waste ….before it get all put on to an artic guys will do their best to separate but all that ca t be pulled out will be loaded and dumped at a landfill

  6. This massively depends where you live. So your issue is directly with whichever local authority collects your bins.

  7. My council only collects half the recycling…the other half they distribute across the road and pavements

  8. In Coventry it all goes in together for some people. I live in a block of flats and there’s no home sorting.

    We just get a blue bin for all our recycling.

    I have the feeling my mum does have a separate bin for something specific, but I can’t remember what

  9. We don’t have to seperate them here. The scandal around here was that a lot of our recycling was ending up in landfill anyway.

  10. In Hastings, East Sussex, we have pink bag that takes everything, metal, cardboard, glass. Used to be that glass was seperate, but they scrapped that idea. I’m sure it all just gets shipped abroad, anyway, instead of being reclaimed.

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