About 4ish months ago i contracted a sti from a sexual partner. And before this happened i was 100% fine using lubricant. Mine is the brand Lube life and its water based. (Not sure if this brand makes multiple types or not this is the first libe i ever have had.)

After i recovered from the STI about a week or two after i tried to get back into using lube with my dildos but when i would use it, it started causing a burning/stinging pain. At first i thought it was because i was using too much so i started using less which helped initially. But my new partner and i tried using some recently and its again causing that stinging pain thats kinda taking a lot out of the experience.

Does anyone know why this might be..? I read through the FAQs and personally couldnt find anything about this.

  1. How old is the lube??? Expired lube can cause a ton of unpleasant reactions. You’ve actually described most of them in your post. It’s probably best to throw the lube out and get a new bottle.

  2. My wife was having a problem like this with the lube we had. First thing I decided to try was a different brand. So far, that has seemed to help. I didn’t check the expiry date on the original bottle, but that very well may have been the issue.

  3. My gf had this same problem, even with a 100% water based lube. The problem was fixed after we switched to a lube, that calms the ph scale of the v*gina, which was higher than usual. That was beacause a candidiasis she had before. You can get that kind of a lube from a pharmacy

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