i (26F) am usually pretty animated, love cracking jokes, asking questions and making friends – but for the last several months, talking and communicating in general has felt like a chore.

even the most simple conversations feel like a nuisance, and i find myself getting exasperated when people talk to me and ask me the most benign questions – which i know is awful.

i don’t want to come off as uncaring or hurt the people that i love, but i find myself preferring silence more and more each day, and getting agitated by just about all conversation, especially small talk.

i know that it’s unreasonable to expect deep, existential, intimate conversations from people at all times – but i’m becoming increasingly petrified by the idea that i don’t currently have and may never meet friends that are interested in having conversations of the same intensity and frequency as me.

in general, i love people incredibly hard and am fascinated by them. i love getting to know new people, hear their stories, their dreams, goals, scars, baggage, all of it. i don’t know if my recent preference for silence is circumstantial, or indicative of deeper, mental or emotional issues.

thank you for taking the time to read this. has anyone felt similarly? how did you shake this funk?

  1. Are you under any extra stress recently? You might just have too much on your mind to be mentally present for small talk because it just isn’t important to you, especially if you liked it before.

  2. but what about their small talk don’t you like? Is it they’re boring or don’t reciprocate the same energy idk

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