Would you agree to be a fake bf for the day, if a girl paid you? If not why?

  1. Sure, Provided I can tell my wife first. If not then no amount of money in the world is worth that can of worms.

  2. depends what I’d have to do. But sure I’d do it for as low as 10$ if I didn’t have to pay for anything else that day. Money is money.

  3. In my current situation? Nah my girlfriend is the jealous type.

    Were I single? I’d do it for dinner and a kiss. I don’t give a shit.

  4. 1st it depends on the money
    2nd it depends on if my gf/wife is comfortable with it.
    When I pursue money it’s to help me build a life and family with someone I love, so I want to make sure it contributes to that goal and doesn’t give me any setbacks.

  5. I did this for a friend at a wedding. I didn’t get paid in money, but a free weekend getaway and free food and drinks was a fair trade-off. Had a blast.

  6. I would say yes no questions asked. I think it would be hilarious. Might even do it for free just to see the shenanigans that ensue.

  7. there’s not much stuff i wouldn’t do for the right price. pretending to be a fake bf for someone is not one of them

  8. I’m not a man but I have a fake boyfriend. I don’t pay him, we just agreed we are fake bf/gf because we like each other’s company but neither of us are in a good place to date long term.

    we don’t always talk throughout the week. but he keeps up to date with my life through IG and we treat each other with love and respect anytime we talk or hang out. atp it’s just a silly joke more than anything but it’s fun having a fake bf!

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