Me (21F) and my boyfriend (21M) had anal sex the other night and I thought that my hemorrhoids were gone but they weren’t. I ended up hurting and when I went to the bathroom after there was blood but it wasn’t actively bleeding anymore. For the past few days any time I go #2 it hurts a bit and occasionally there has been bright red blood in the toilet but not a lot and it’s not like, continuous bleeding. Should I be worried? Is this normal? Should I go to a doctor ?? I really don’t wanna go to a doctor for this lol

  1. Two things are possible here. If you normally have bleeding hemorrhoids, they may have become active during sex. There is also the possibility of small anal fissures which are causing the bleeding.

    Like it or not, you would do well to consult with your doctor rather than continue suffering and worrying.

    If you have bleeding hemorrhoids, this is your opportunity to get them removed.

  2. I’m a pharmacy professional.

    I appreciate you turning to reddit for sexual understanding: I believe it’s a great way to learn and discuss. However, when the situation turns medical, there’s really no other correct answer: see a doctor.

    Even if there isn’t a situation and you have medical questions? See a doctor. The answer is always the same: M.D.s have over 8 years of study and usually more than that in practice. They see thousands of people a month.

    Reddit can get things right, but nothing beats a medical professional.

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