Not all man-bashers are outright obvious. Some are polite and can hold a decent conversation without giving off the idea that they have a general disrespect for all men. But over time as you talk about various political and global gender related issues you start realizing that they have very misandrist ideas (men are evil, men are the cause of all problems, the world doesn’t need men, men can’t be trusted, etc.). Now this can be due to various reasons such as absent or abusive father, sexual trauma, assault, among other things. But instead of healing, they’ve decided to hate on an entire gender. So how can you tell early on?

  1. She says stuff like that

    All her exes were the problem, nothing was ever her fault

    Sexism is why her life isn’t perfect, her gender is holding her back and not her own flaws at work

    Skrillex haircut

    Weirdly obsessed with Taylor Swift (this one is subtle cause a lot of Taylor Swift fans are normal and I enjoy a good bit of her stuff too — I love like 95% of Evermore & Folklore albums — , but the venn diagram of women who hate men and women who think Taylor Swift walks on water is just a circle)

  2. Why would a misandrist be going out on dates with men? Forgive the extreme allegory to follow, but isn’t that like Nazis dating Jews? Hate is hate and haters don’t typical have romantic feelings for those they hate.

  3. I don’t but if she held such views. I’d cut all contact immediately

    I had a friend who said really Hateful and misogynistic stuff about women. Would catcall them a lot and wonder why I thought it was disgusting behaviour and embarrassing and made his disabled ex girlfriend cry over the phone and laughing about it and didn’t understood why I thought it was fucked up.

    He also has said really Hateful stuff about women like “I thought women were supposed to be the smart ones” when women kept rejecting him on dating apps and actually once said “Women’s whole purpose is for sex”.

    I cut all contact with that guy and haven’t talked to him since because he was a toxic individual. If I found someone treating men the same way. I’d do the same.

    I don’t like sexists. They would no longer be part of my life because I don’t want to be around misandrists and misogynists. Just like I don’t want to be around homophobes and racists.

    Once on tinder, I matched with a girl who had a bio saying “I think all men are assholes. Be the one to prove me wrong”. She messaged me all nice and I immediately unmatched after reading the bio. Also had a woman like and message me on POF say “MEN are gross. So good luck” and I blocked her right away. The bios told me everything. That’s emotional abuse waiting to happen. So I don’t engage with these people.. Why would I?

    I’m interested in dating kind, nice and friendly women who aren’t broken inherently angry nutjobs

  4. F here. I will probably get killed for saying this and stereotyping as a n F but I would lean on saying the more ‘edgy’ a girl is the more likely she is misandrist.

    So you know no high heels / a lot of piercing tattoos shorter hair the more toward that side more likely. Aka the less feminine = more likely.

    This is not ALL of course but just an observation I would say from my life experience lol.

    PS. I am ready to get buried by other F users on here so sit tight 😅

  5. Check if she likes dark comedy movies or shows like it’s always sunny in philepeia.

    If she gets triggered over it, then you know the answer.

  6. I find it hard to believe someone who hates men will be able to keep quiet about it long enough while dating a man. They’ll want to make sure you share those views.

  7. If she’s truly a misandrist, she wouldn’t be going out with you.

    If she truly hates all men, she’d rather be single.

  8. Not going to lie, I like that my fiancée is a man-hating misandrist / ArchFeminista tbh.

    In all fairness, the patriarchy sucks, most dudes are douchebags, and women get treated like shit pretty regularly. Like, I agree on all these points.

    And I’m no blue haired weirdo, I was an enlisted Marine infantryman / then an Army officer. Varsity athlete, in a fraternity, firearms instructor etc (can keep listing “traditionally” masculine shit forever, you get my point).

    I love that my beautiful, strong, independent, badass man-hating fiancée adores the shit out of me and considers me a good man, even by her incredibly exacting standards. We’re going to raise beautiful, strong, independent, badass man-hating daughters and I think that’s fucking rad.

  9. Says ‘all men…’

    ‘A real man would…’

    Won’t acknowledge any wrong doing or have accountability

    Doesn’t take any responsibility

    Thinks every good thing that happen to a man/everybad thing happens to a woman is the patriarchy’s fault

    Uses phrases like toxic masculinity and mansplaining unironically

  10. Well, if you bring up oral sex and she thinks blowjobs are evil or refuses to do them as a political statement, that’s a pretty big clue.

  11. Bright dyed hair ~~and obnoxious clothes thinks communism is the way to go shes a~~

    Just like with bugs, it screams “I’m toxic, stay away”.

  12. It’s a guarantee she will be. The question is, by what degree?

    And where you draw the line is up to you, but I usually start when she goes something like, “All men are ______.” Broad generalizations are where I draw the line. THAT man is x, but when I hear ‘all men are x’, I’m out.

    There are a few warning signs, and they do stack:

    * A lot of tattoos in non-traditional places, like the face, neck, breasts, hands etc. Any place intentionally designed to violate the ‘if it can be covered up’ office-type tattoo codes.
    * Piercings, again, in non-traditional places – septum, tongue, nipples, eyebrows, big plugs/stretched earlobes, eyebrow, nose, etc.
    * Hair colour that appears nowhere in nature.
    * ‘Problem’ or ‘cat eye’ glasses.
    * She immediately starts talking about her triggers or trauma, and expects you to modify your behaviour accordingly, instead of modifying her own.

    Obviously it’s not a guarantee she’s a misandrist, but it’s a good starting point, and the more she has, the higher the odds are. At least, that’s been my experience.

    I have better things to do than date a man-hater, and I’m definitely not out to prove how ‘not like those guys’ I am. I’m *exactly* like ‘those guys’, and I’m unapologetically proud of it. I *love* being a man. It’s fucking great!

    Which kind of makes me wonder why the fuck she’s even dating me, if she disdains men so much?

  13. Just let her keep talking. Very shortly she’ll reveal herself.

    A misandrist isn’t going to be able to hide their feelings for long.

  14. Boy it sounds like the questions here are getting used to polarise and funnel people to more right-wing positions all the time.

    People are people. Being a ‘misandrist’ is code for someone being an asshole. Don’t trust or tolerate assholes and you should be just fine. Nobody needs toxic people in their lives, no matter what their excuse is.

  15. If you’re dating, you can tell pretty much when discussing general news topics. However, discussing current events is not good on dates. Ask for her favorite movies or ones she wants to see. Are they fun movies or have some social commentary to them? If she mentions the Bechtel Test, run. Even if you’re at a restaurant or a movie theater. Just say you need to go to the restroom and leave.

  16. Go check her facebook, instagram , twitter and other social media shit. She’ll already have given away the clues.



  17. Usually when her bio is really really left, she has “feminism” and “liberal” and random pronouns….it’s not a good start 🥲

  18. The mask eventually falls off.. they can’t keep up the charade that long. Say something that will trigger this person like the wage gap is a myth. You’ll see how irate she will become. how Sweden’s first female prime minister quit after 12 hours of being appointed 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️or how rosey the riveter only worked while all men were in ww1 and after the men came back she became a house wife and left the factory 😅😅😅

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