I have been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half. The other day I found out he downloaded Bumble (a dating app) when we both agreed this was a serious, committed relationship. He deleted the app, but it still bothers me that he had the thought of looking elsewhere. Previously, at the start of the relationship he had texted another girl. He also downloaded Tinder and Bumble at the start of our relationship. We had only been dating about four months then. He also started snapping another girl one year into the relationship. I can’t stop thinking about this, am I overthinking it? What do y’all think?

  1. He’s not just “having a thought of looking elsewhere”.

    He’s activelly looking and trying to cheat on you..and he likely already did.

    So, you’re not overreacting. You should leave him as you already should have a while ago. Sorry.

  2. He obviously doesn;t want to be in an exclusive relationship with you. Online dating is obviosly intriguing to him. So many men on it cheat so he is a perfect guy for it.

  3. Guys like that are idiots. If I had a gf I’d cherish her every single day. Don’t be with someone that doesn’t Truly appreciate you & Truly wants to be with YOU!

  4. “My boyfriend keeps trying to cheat on me” is what I’m hearing. The only reason to download Bumble a year into a relationship is to cheat.

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