When was it that made you stop being a fuckboy?

  1. I never made a choice. It really just kinda happened in a moment when I asked my wife to marry me. It wasn’t planned it just happened.

  2. When i get a house, car i wanted, when i get tired from alcohol.

    And now i wanna wake up with some small kid beside my and my wife, to teach a kid, to learn him some bad words,to drink coffee and make a life plans with wife. To get matched outfits with kid. To have some nice family pictures on wall. To try to be a best dad on world.

    But first i need to found a wife.

  3. Umm, I was never a fuckboy… I’ve had sex with 2 people, and I’ll be 30 in a few months.

  4. That’s a tough question, dude. It really depends on the person. Some folks are ready to settle down in their early 20s, while others might not be ready until their 30s or even later. It’s all about finding the right person and being in the right place in your life. Just make sure you’re ready for the commitment and don’t rush into anything. Take your time and don’t settle for anyone who doesn’t make you happy.

  5. I never was a Fuckboy

    My first relationship lasted a month

    Second lasted 3 years

    I’ve been single for the last 10 months

  6. Whenever I meet a girl I want a serious relationship with. Full stop.

    If you’re sitting around, waiting for a guy to “wise up”, my only advice for you is to move on. If you were the kind of person they were interested in dating long-term, you would know.

  7. I hooked up with a bunch of different girls and it felt like I was starting to repeat experiences, like one night would just blend into another. Eventually I got bored of sticking my dick in girl #whatever and started looking for an emotional connection.

  8. I tended to only have sex within relationships. But with that said, and maybe a product of my time, I always wanted a wife and kids. I couple up with the woman that would become my wife when I was age 22. That might be extremely young to commit to someone for so long, but I was and 22 years later, still content with it.

  9. Being a fuckboy was never an option for me. If I wanted any sex, it was always in a relationship.

  10. I’ve wanted a serious relationship my whole life. Little preschool me was already dreaming of growing up to be a big man and having my own wife and kids someday.

    Never been a “fuckboy”, the stages of life a man goes through aren’t universally the same, I never “stopped” being something I never was.

  11. When my now wife told me I did! We had been on three dates when she graduated from Finance Clerk school. At the graduation, she was introducing me as her boyfriend! “Gunny D______, this is my boyfriend, Corporal Quintana with 3rd Amtracs!”

    As we were leaving:

    Me: Boyfriend?

    Her: Yeah.

    Me: Ok.

  12. I don’t think there was ever a time that I didn’t want a serious relationship, but you can’t just manifest that shit out of nothing. We’re horny, so we sleep with people until we find someone we can settle down with. I don’t think it’s that common for people to prefer casual sex to a serious relationship.

  13. A couple relationships that ended because I was being an asshole. Thankfully most of them told me what I needed to work on and I took that to heart. Spent a few years working on that stuff and now getting back into dating is rough because I can see the same immaturity in a lot of chicks my age. So many people are lost in their mid 20s. It’s sad

  14. It just happens. I met my wife and within a few weeks I knew she was the one. I didn’t say anything like that to her, but I treated her as good as I could. I went the extra mile to impress her and make her feel loved. And it paid off in spades. I had had other girlfriends, some I was with for years. But it was never like that. They were based on just attraction and infatuation. One I’m pretty sure I was with just because my friends were jealous so I thought I really had something and that nightmare went on for three years. You can’t “be ready” it just happens.

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