As the post says, I’ve been more confident about myself after i learned how to drive 🙂

I’m 21 (almost 22) and i had this huge fear of driving, my dad tried to teach me a few times over the years but it wasn’t constant (mostly my fault since i always put excuses to avoid being behind a steering wheel because it somehow made me so anxious to the point I’d lock myself in my bedroom just to avoid driving) and all these years my mom or my brother had to drive me to school (my brother being the same age as me) but at the same time i felt miserable because most of my classmates and friends drive to school so i was it was huge hit for my self-esteem because I was feeling like everyone was making huge progresses but not me because they are the same age as me and i felt like i wasn’t good enough because i always put excuses to myself to avoid doing things.

Recently i started therapy because of my depression and social anxiety and my therapist was always advising me to learn how to drive since it’s gonna be a huge step of “independence” for myself because one of the many reasons i always put these walls around myself was because i was always depending on someone in order to feel safe.

So, one day, my dad signed me up for driving classes without telling me, of course i was freaking out and begged him (and almost crying lol) to cancel those driving classes (but of course he said no lol) and i spent a whole week in a driving school….and surprisingly, i liked it, i had fun and i was able to hold long conversations with my driving instructor the entire week (something that doesn’t happen frequently whenever I’m with a stranger)

Got my driving license and i started to go to places on my own and i felt like i was making progresses and that i was capable of doing things and I’m being more talkative with my classmates and i noticed a small boost in my self-esteem because as i said, i was opening up more to people and talkative whenever i give a lift to classmates or my brother/parents and back then i was mostly just in silence on the passenger seat whenever they were driving me to places :’) i felt so proud of myself when I drove to my therapist session and my therapist was so happy for me, i still have to deal with a few stuff related to anxiety but I’m happy I’m making progress :’)

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