When I look it up on google it shows me all these bruises, red, swollen, scarred arms

So I’d rather ask people who like got it I guess? Is it noticeable under the arm that you got it done?

  1. I could feel it under my skin but otherwise it was not noticeable once it healed. The bruising is temporary.

  2. I have one right now, got it in July 2022. It’s been great. I have a small scar where it was injected, just a small circular scar. It’s hardly noticeable. I touch mine a lot, cause I think it’s cool, and I make every man I sleep with touch it. It’s on the inside of my arm, so nobody sees it, and it’s hardly noticeable. If I stretch the skin, you can see the outline, but it’s not a hindrance on my life at all

  3. Yes, and it could actually be dislodged during sex. That’s what happened to me while I was on it to grab my arm too hard, and it went into my veins, and they had to pull it out.

  4. I can barely find mine in my arm. I’ve had mine over a year. I have very few problems.

  5. If you pull the skin taut you can see it, but otherwise no . I am 6 months into my second nexplanon, and both times I have had my period go away after 2 months of having it in.

  6. I have that exact brand of arm implant in my arm. The images you are seeing are ones that were recently put in. At first, it’ll bruise for a few days but after a while it’ll go away.

  7. I’ve had mine since December 2021.

    The procedure itself was honestly mostly painless—the numbing shot they gave me felt like they were putting hand sanitizer into my arm but other than that it was painless. I was done within 20 minutes.

    After that for about 2 weeks maybe I had some yellowish bruising on my arm and they give you instructions for what to do and what not to do.

    Ultimately I got the implant because my cousin swear by it—as in condomless was never a fear for her.

    I had a crazy hormonal spike last summer when I finally met my long distance boyfriend and on at least three separate occasions we had sex without a condom. (I was also on oral birth control and took an emergency contraceptive the first time.)

    Needless to say I didn’t end up pregnant, though I also wouldn’t recommend condomless sex anyway just because it did give me major anxiety.

    You can feel the implant in my arm and it itches every once in awhile. It used to pinch for me in the first 3 months but I guess it’s settled? I haven’t had it pinch since February/March of last year.

  8. Can’t really see, but feel it under the skin. Also, I had nexplanon for a year, it was god awful. Brought back my acne after going through accutane, gained 40lbs, mood was all over the place, spotting/extensively long periods. I was on the pill before nexplanon, overall I would suggest non-hormonal birth control. I’ve had my copper IUD for a year now. Much better off without the hormones in my experience. I don’t think most women really know how detrimental hormonal birth control can be…but to each their own.

  9. You can feel it there when you touch that spot I feel it and you can see the little scar they do I’ve had mine since 2019 3 years and got it again I had/have no problems but I do get moody 🤣

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