Ive (28F) been seeing someone new (26M). We had sex two times now. The first time he was a bit too druk so it was pretty clumsy. Second time around was pretty good, we did it like 3 times.

The first time, i told him to put 2 fingers in, and make the “come here” movement. Not the sexiest explanation, but it worked, it felt really good. Unfortunately i think he was too drunk to remember this specific moment.

Second time around, i told him again to put in 2 fingers. But after a while he kept putting in 3, which actually kinda feels uncomfortable to me. He also wasn’t doing the “come here” motion like before, so my G spot wasn’t being stimulated.

When i masturbate, I always stimulate my clit. I cant really get the hang of stimulating my G spot myself. I guess this is a good excuse to do so.

But my question is.. what movement is it exactly that stimulates the G spot and gives the feeling of good pressure in your whole stomach, and makes the blood rush thrue your entire body… cause i need to explain That movement to him 😂. He did do it the first time.. i just cant pinpoint exactly what he did, just what it felt like.

  1. You already told him… tell him again? Not sure what answer you’re looking for. That’s the best one you can give

  2. Give him the same instructions… and guide him to change it as needed. Communication is key in sex… talk!

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