So I am sitting peacefully in a local library, and suddenly a bunch of high schoolers bursted into the library, it was a field trip or something, and since I am always in the library, the librarian asked me to explain how the library works (subscriptions, books, computers, etc.) Everything went well, until the librarian asked me to raise the book I was reading to show the students what I was reading. When I raised the book, my hands were shaking violently, and I dropped the book immediately to not show the students how nervous I was. My voice was stable and I think I looked very confident, but my hands were shaking insanely. Some students started laughing and the librarian had to take the students away.

I feel so weak and defeated. I am always told that I have a strong personality but whenever I speak to a crowd, I start shaking. How to cope with that problem?

  1. hm.. understand that manipulating people’s perception of you is way easier than you think.

    there’s a way you can “put on a play” for them, to guide exactly what theyre thinking.

    dont be afraid of being judged, just adapt to their energy & try to radiate confidence.

    this is a valuable communication skill, regardless of it consisting of the word “manipulation” my sister told me its sought after in customer service careers.

    exposure therapy & practice makes perfect is my advice to you.

  2. Hi OP, For things that are planned, could you arrange to be in a situation where you can rest or brace your hands against something–like at a table, sitting down? Or something like that? Maybe that could be a bridge to where you can get beyond this.

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