Burn account for really no good reason

I’m newly 22 and I’m a cis woman! I identify as bisexual as I am very attracted to and aroused by other women but I don’t have any type of experience with them. I have had sexual relationships before with some men but I’d still call myself inexperienced overall because my body count is very, very low.

My problem is that I’m too in my head to really meet new people and to start exploring my bisexuality. I get worried about getting rejected or being bad at sex thus disappointing my partner.

I try to go with the flow of things in my head and body but my anxiety is always in my mind. It somewhat prevents me from putting myself out there and meeting new people to explore with. I just can’t push past it for some reason.

I don’t have any type of sexual trauma or trauma that would lead to this. I wasn’t this anxious about exploring with my partners in the past. Why is it different now? How can I truly get past this? Am I doomed or what? Lol

  1. Find a good dom or domme who feeds praise.i have had experience in shy or anxiety ridden types who calmed down and enjoyed even if I took control in the bedroom.

  2. Exploring the anxiety, where it comes from and what it’s about, might also give you some answers in how to deal with it.

    Try to let go of concepts like body count, and being ‘enough’, sexually or otherwise. Instead focus on relaxing, having fun, and just let whatever comes up happen naturally.

    I’ve struggled a lot with headspace stuff and anxieties regarding dating, and the moments where I let go of all those worries where the moments where I was most successful.

    If you really have a hard time letting go of continues anxieties you might want to see a specialist about that.

    But mainly just try to focus on letting things be. Allow yourself to just be yourself. And just try to have fun whatever you’re doing. That shit is attractive as fuck.

  3. Is the problem that you’re not used to approaching someone and initating romance? It’s a common thing for women who also date men to struggle with. Men are everywhere and if will usually approach you so you usually don’t have to put much effort in to meet men. What’s tricky about dating women is you can end up in gridlock when you have 2 people who don’t know how to approach. Fear of rejection and anxiety about how the interaction will go is very normal.

  4. Do you have high expectations due to fantasies or porn?
    It probably won’t be rainbows and fireworks at first. Hopefully it does feel good and exciting, but don’t expect it to be perfect immediately. It takes time to learn what a partner likes.

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