I see a lot of people on here (male and female) asking how they can get the person they like/date etc to reply to them after they become distant or unresponsive. Instead I want you to ask yourself ‘why should I expend so much time, energy, and emotional capital trying to get a response from someone who isn’t making an effort to stay in touch with me?’

They’ve seen your texts. They’ve seen your calls. They’ve chosen not to reply. They are actively choosing to ignore you.

I’m not trying to be mean but blunt. Stop wasting your time pursuing someone who is actively running from you. If they’re not matching your effort don’t send that double text, don’t tell them how much you care/miss them, or how angry you are. They don’t care because if they did they wouldn’t make you feel that way in the first place. If they wanted to be with you they would be. And just because they don’t want to be with you doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you! It’s 100% on them. Either way, it’s not worth the effort.

  1. Excellent advice. There is NO point in investing time and effort in someone who isn’t interested, it baffles me why people do it.

  2. 100% agree. This has always been my experience, being someone who has always tried to excuse less than ideal behavior and thought “let me try just one more time”.

    Sure, sometimes I did get them to reply. Sometimes I even got dates out of my repeated attempts to reach out. It never lasted though, or turned into a good stable relationship. The only time anything lasted was when I didn’t have to try to obtain contact from them.

    If someone sees your message and chooses not to reply, you have your answer.

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