I work at a bar and I got together with a coworker’s friend’s friend after having a few beers at work. It was very nice and respectful, but I don’t think I want to do it again. While I’d be grateful to know her, I don’t see us becoming friends either. AITA if I don’t text her? Or should I send something out of courtesy?
Just wanna be a gentleman…

  1. If you straight up reject her, she will feel bad. If you ghost she will justify it somehow in her head that is not her fault.

    Also, if you were a woman what you would typically do in this situation is ghost.

  2. I don’t think you would be an AH for not texting her. Probably better to just leave it be if you’re not interested in her. Plutonic friends from the opposite gender don’t really exist.

  3. You’re not obligated to text her, but I would. With that being said, I typically text a woman after having slept with her for the first time the same night it happened. By your post, I’m unsure how long ago this happened. Too long ago and it gets kind of awkward.

  4. I’m a 33f, you don’t need to text her. She’ll get it. If she texts you then definitely reply. If she doesn’t, then you were both thinking the same thing

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