I keep track on my period app what days of the month I masturbate. And so far in January I’ve masturbated 21 times. Some days it’s multiple times, sometimes I go a few days without masturbating. I guess I don’t understand my sex drive. Like there’s times during the workday I’ll masturbate (work remotely). I feel like that can’t be healthy. I feel like maybe my masturbation habits are average for a man my age, but it seems high for a woman. I also am obese and take antidepressants, both which should cause lower sex drive. I’m single and not interested in casual sex, so I find my sex drive kind of frustrating. Since I’m obese, it’s not like guys are lining up for a relationship. I guess I’m wondering where I fall on the spectrum of women my age and how I can manage it as I’m not currently in a relationship?

  1. It would be a problem if it starts affecting other parts of your life, like you start having problems at work because you’re masturbating and not doing anything else. Otherwise, you’re normal.

    Having a high sex drive generally means you have low stress, feel comfortable in your living situation, comfortable with your body, and don’t have major health issues. That’s all a good thing and something you should be happy about. As your life progresses, you may have things come up that prevent you from enjoying yourself like this.

  2. +1 for this being fine. It would even be fine if you did it three times a day as long as it wasn’t interfering in your daily life or causing a health problem. All therapists and psychologists will tell you this too by the way.

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