So i(20m) have been with my gf(21f) for about 2 months now officially,, she’s my first ever everything tbh, first gf, relationship, kiss, etc. I’m learning how to be In a relationship everyday with her and I mean, I feel like I’m doing good, but thats a whole other post in itself.

Valentines day is coming up and I mean honestly, I have never asked someone to be my valentines and I wanna make it special since I know she wants me to ask her, but like idk, do I get a gift? I know ima get flowers and stuff since she loves flowers and has told me she’ll never get tired of them no matter how much i get them, but what else do I do to ask?

Also like on valentines, i still have no idea what to do, I have an idea of what to get her as a gift, I have many ideas tbh, but yeah any tips or advice? I’ve never been good with this stuff, I mean when I first made it official with her I did like flowers, a little bear and asked her at this really nice view where we could see the Golden Gate Bridge, and that was a last minute plan cause my original plan thought I was struggling so much with went to shit immediately, so yeah, valentines I feel like I’m overrhinking but idk.

TL;DR – im(20m) in my first relationship, I wanna officially ask my gf(21f) to be my valentines since I know she wants me to ask her, but idk how to go about it. I’ve never been good with this stuff, but I like doing special things for her and I don’t wanna do just flowers even tho I know she’ll love them

1 comment
  1. Just be cool about it. Ask her what her ideal place to eat would be and take her there. Be casual and have fun. You’re already in the right place in your thinking about it, so you’ll be just fine.

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