I believe I am a well read and learned person. Being interested in the matter, I’ve researched the arousal response and stages of orgasm somewhat extensively for a lay person. But there’s something that I’ve experienced now that I can’t make sense of by consulting texts on human anatomy and physiology.

I strongly believed that ejaculation occurs due to the penis contracting, which I expect is the part that feels good. The feeling-good part is the mechanism behind unloading of the ejaculate. HOWEVER, here’s my question: why is my mouth full of cum before the recipient starts making any orgasm sounds? Obviously (I hope) I’m going to keep going based on the feedback I receive by way of vocalizations and such. But you know, it can be cumbersome (hehe) to keep up with the head bobbing now that there’s this whole mess being contained in the same locale.

What is going on with the timing? Now that I’ve encountered this with numerous blow job subjects and find that it’s not unique to an individual, I’m really questioning what I understand about the penile orgasm. I just can’t fathom that all of this transfer of cum occurs without any sensation worth moaning over.

  1. I get super quiet just before, then I start to cum, and then the wave hits me and I moan. It’s not that the ejactulation isn’t pleasurable, it’s just that a big wave comes over me just afterwards and I am holding back for that. Hopefully that makes sense.

    I don’t know if this is the same for all guys.

  2. Male orgasm is 5 or 6 contractions and the movement needs to keep going until the last one is completed not when ejaculation starts with the first contraction. If it helps, focus on what your guy does with a piv orgasm… 5 ir 6 extra slow extra strong thrusts holding the last one for a few seconds then relaxing.

  3. Everyone may be different, but for me, the orgasm is spread over a longer time than just the window while I’m moaning or grunting.

    On a related note, this subject sounds like it requires a thorough and comprehensive study!

  4. Honestly, it depends on how hydrated I am, how turned on i am, and how long it’s been since the last time I ejaculated. There have been times when I have a lot of ejaculated, BEFORE I have the actual orgasm. From the outside, it looks like I have already cum, but wait, there’s more.

  5. “Ruin” is a strong word, but stopping definitely compromises the experience. Personally I want more intense stimulation once the orgasm starts, and some stimulation till it’s over. If you swallow, one woman told me she immediately starts swallowing so she doesn’t get too much in her mouth.

  6. I always give my wife a heads-up moan when I can feel that my ejaculation is imminent –so any ‘timing’ you’re mentioning never catches her off guard. Like, it’s gonna happen in the next 5 to 10 seconds usually when I start feeling the climax build and rise, which is plenty of ‘warning’ for my wife. The oncoming orgasm sensation I think coincides with the prostate starting to drop its contribution, and stuff start to hit the vas differens and then go into the urethra and shoot out of my penis via the muscle contractions, which you’re right the penis contracts, but also the klieg pelvic muscles do too to help pump out what’s coming out of the prostate and the testes. The prostate actually I think contracts a little as well. I believe it has a muscle surrounding it that also helps shoot the load to the urethra and to the penis. So several muscles are rhythmically pulsing and contracting to pump the load out of the penis. Anyway my wife knows it’s coming/cumming because I tell her with moans. I also just involuntarily moan pretty much all the way through cumming. She swallows all of my cum, and she likes having that headsup though. She usually sort of deep throats me when I start ejaculating and my cum shoots pretty much straight down her throat it seems like. But if there’s any delay with me in timing of the climax and the actual ‘injection’ into her throat, as it were, that’s covered by me giving the warning moan that it’s coming.

  7. The male climax is similar to a whistling teakettle starting to boil. You’re aware it’s almost there, and maybe you should turn down the heat. Then it’s too late. It boils over. Actuallly, I think the “too late” point precedes the boil-over by a second or so. But if you turn the heat down, the boil-ever won’t be nearly as satisfying.

    Another analogy would be a sneeze. You can sense when a sneeze is imminent, and the sneeze itself is satisfying, because it makes that ticklish sensation go away. The “release” that accompanies the sneeze is a bit like the release of orgasm. There’s a tickle building up down below, and it feels good, but I need to scratch the itch (which will feel even better). The tickle is getting stronger. I don’t know if I can take much more. Then . . . spurt, spurt, spurt. It’s very much like a sneeze or scratching an itch.

    I *don’t* think that the spurting precedes the moment of satisfaction. Pre-cum, yes. Pre-cum can be present early, if the excitement is right (and for some people, the excitement doesn’t have to be all that urgent). My personal experience is that the first spurt signals the start of the climax. Whew, relief! No more tickle, except there’s this powerful sensation of the itch being scratched.

    Have you ever scratched an itch and had it feel so overpoweringly good that you had to take break? Then you can’t resist, and you return to scratching it until the itchy spot becomes raw.

    My best guess for the mis-coordination of the gush and what you’ve perceived to be the orgasm moment is because your victim can withstand the first spurt or two, but after about five seconds of bliss, he’s overwhelmed. He may even convulse a little. At some point, you need to lighten up or stop altogether. It’s not that it’s agony; it’s more like being tickled, which initially feels ticklish, but after a few seconds, one’s nervous system objects to the overload of tickle.

    We should apply for a grant and do a big research project. I’m not a sportscaster, and I’m not much on giving a play-by-play account of my various tingles. Maybe an involuntary gasp or groan, but no theatrical yodeling. In the interest of science, however, I could try.

    There’s an amusing author named Mary Roach whose specialty is “reality” science-type books, many of which have a biological bent. Her “Bonk” book analyzes the art and science of bonkage. It might contain a description of the tickle timeline. I’ve leafed through “Bonk” in a bookstore, but I couldn’t convince myself to drop the $26.95.

  8. It can be super intense the release them u feel the after affect and become really sensitive on the top but boy yes u sound amazing

  9. I think every guy is going to be different in this situation. I am vocal and when the feeling starts to come on, I usually do tell my wife that I’m going to cum and definitely get more vocal. I also involuntarily start having small “contractions” in my pelvis and lower abdomen area as the intensity increases. The penile contractions for me happen a few seconds after I ejaculate so it’s not the most reliable sign. There are some surprises from time to time for me when I start to feel the orgasm but end up cumming before I actually experience the orgasm itself which catches my wife off guard but it happens occasionally only

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