We met around 4 months ago when I (21M) was visiting Rome on Tinder, she (19F) has the most amazing personality and we really click & talk a lot.

However, I really don’t like how she looks, or am “attracted” to her physically though the pictures / videos I’ve seen.

I feel like a prick and it’s making me doubt what I should do. On one hand I love her personality but on the other I feel like it’s important to be physically attracted as well.

Has someone else been in this situation? I’d love some advice on how to tackle this.

  1. If we’re not physically attracted to her, we bow out. Everyone deserves to be with someone that wants them physically and emotionally. It’s not fair to them or us to keep on with someone when they don’t meet those parameters.

  2. Sounds like you’ve made a friend OP.

    Ok but in all seriousness don’t lead someone on if you’re not attracted to them, or willing to change your perception of what is attractive in order to make yourself attracted to her.

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