Im gonna start off by saying I’m no Saint, I made mistakes and said things I shouldn’t of but end of it I was faithful, done everything she asked for (even driving numerous nights at 3am for 2 hours to comfort her).

To start off I dated a spanish girl for years who struggled alot with confidence and being on her own. In hindsight, it should of stayed a one night stand but I was too weak to see the red flags that she needed validation constantly, I mean constantly 24/7, she latched on to any man who complented her. I seen through it all and thought I could make a difference since she wanted me in her life.

So through the whole relationship it was an emotional toll on me I never took on until it ended. I got cheated on multiple times (emotional and physical, the emotional was worse tbh) but I always brushed off the burden and forgave and forgave, cause she knew I couldn’t let her go, I was too weak. All the while the trips and things I done were taken and I got very little in return, the hugs and kisses dried up.

So the last cheat was the final straw, I cracked and let it all out, I didn’t deserve it and I finally knew I was worth more than this shit. So never ever blame yourself for giving your all and trying to see the good in people. You can say you had your faults but end of it you were faithful, even when you had women looking me, I stayed loyal, cause its who I am, I love someone enough that I’d die for them. It’s been a year and I struggle at times, but I’ve lost weight, I’m doing things I never could and I got told I smile more than I ever did in that relationship.

Of course I wish her the best with her new man(who she left me for), she deserves happiness, even if it’s not with me. I just look forward to the day I find a girl who appreciates everything I do and loves me for who I am. Happy to stay single until that day comes. Never be afraid to be single, trust me you’ll be alot happier

  1. Wow just wow that old saying fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me .you kept going back and you’re proud of yourself and your wish the best for the man she cheated on you with really? I think you’ll constantly end up in these kind of relationships.You better I want to show weakness it’s over you might as well lay down.

  2. This is real life, it hurts and can be hard. Both my marriages involved /ended over affairs.

    Don’t glass half-full or half-empty this. The answer is both. She had good traits and she had secretive deceptive traits. Stay honest about yourself and her.

    Go on dates, get therapy if you need it, fix your mistakes and let go of hers. Deal with anger and regret now before your next relationship has to deal with baggage you brought in.

    I feel for you man, but if you keep looking back, you will get lost in the fog of war

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