We’ve been together for 3.5 years and much of it has been great, but the past 6-8 months he’s been putting in the absolute minimum effort for a relationship. For reference, we live together and he will be downstairs playing video games 7 days a week all day long spending zero time with me. We used to play video games together. I have brought up getting It Takes Two to play together but he didn’t want to even try it. I have mentioned to him several times that even just 1-2 days a week upstairs doing a movie night or something would be enough for me and he’ll do that for a couple weeks then it’s back to the same thing. Fast forward to Christmas 2022 he didn’t get me a present like he has every year before. I would’ve been happy with a card, it’s the thought. My birthday was a few days ago, he didn’t even say happy birthday or get me anything again. It felt like any other day when he used to make me feel special. I made my own plans for us to go to a private hot tub place and he seemed so inconvenienced that I booked it at the same time as the football game. I genuinely don’t know what to do at this point. This might all sound like small stuff individually, but I feel like my emotional needs aren’t being met. I can’t think of anything that would cause this shift other than him losing feelings for me… Breaking up with him is last resort, advice needed please.

  1. Have you told him how your feeling, asked him if he’s okay (maybe he’s depressed?)? Y’all need to have an open, honest, and vulnerable conversation with eachother or else you won’t figure it out.

  2. Yeah you definitely need to sit down and talk about where your relationship is going because this isn‘t working. Living together is not spending quality time as a couple.

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