So last night I was with my mates and my Cousin at a pubquiz and one of the girls said that we have to go and get pancakes on pancake day. We asked how they have there pancakes and they asked us and ever since we were kids my cousin and I have had it with sugar, lemon and sultanas. All our friends and the pub owner think we are insane and were taking the mikey out of us for having that.

Is my family weird, It was obviously my Nans recipe as all her daughters do it. I have never had it without and I am 40.

Are we the weird ones?


To be clear it was the sultanas that they thought was insane

  1. Lemon and sugar is the classic.

    Great with ice cream as a different take, or to be honest, most things go. My gf likes to add Nutella.

  2. Sultanas are a bit unusual but not that weird

    I prefer savoury pancakes with cheese and smoked salmon

  3. Yes your family is weird.

    No one actively chooses to eat sultanas, was this a ration-book recipe?

  4. We do a pancake buffet.

    Everything you could imagine might go on a pancake we pile up on a table, the pancakes get cooked on a camping hob and doled out by the half dozen until everyone collapses in a diabetic coma.

    Sugar, lemon juice, lime juice, peanut butter, various jams, squirty cream, clotted cream, hundreds & thousands, ice cream, salted caramel sauce, maple syrup, chocolate sauce, marshmallows….

  5. Never thought to put sultanas in!

    I’m a fan of Nutella, strawberry and cream, or biscoff spread and banana.

  6. The sultanas are a strange addition but my Ma likes bananas with hers so 🤷‍♀️

    I’m all about the golden syrup though

  7. sugar and lemon juice is the norm, never personally had raisins but based on all the pancakes they sell at bakeries they’re also considered normal.

    you’re not the one taking the mick.

  8. I’ve done it your way and love it. It’s simple but delicious.

    I like mine with jam and cream personally. Raspberry jam being the best.

  9. I’ve often had sultanas in pancakes, especially when I was younger.

    These days I go for Nutella and banana (sliced).

  10. Tbh pancakes might be the only thing the Americans do better. We do American style pancakes (sometimes with mashed banana in the batter) with real maple syrup and berries. Or just a smear of almond butter if they’re the banana version.

  11. Good luck to you – I think I will try it on Shrove Tuesday. We just have the usual lemon juice and sugar or strawberry jam. I did crepes suzette once, that was good stuff but way too much prep so maybe raisins will add some zing to the next batch and keep it simple.

  12. If I’m making them myself then just a load of butter and maybe a sprinkle of icing sugar (not icing, just the sugar that makes it)

    If I’m getting a stack from a restaurant then all the berries, bananas, sugar, syrup, ice cream.

    I don’t like raisins, sultanas, etc. but don’t find it weird. It’s harder to find a scone without raisins than one with so it’s not unchartered territory for a decrepit grape.

  13. Traditional with the lemon 🍋 juice and sugar..

    But last 10 years branched out to: Strawberry 🍓 Jam or Runny Honey 🍯

    If Lemon Juice and Sugar just eat them as is (flat)

    But for Strawberry Jam or Runny Honey do a worm of it across the middle and roll it up like a burrito 🌯 (with the ‘join’ face down on the plate) then cut slices off and eat.

    Tried Nutella with the burrito method but it was ‘too much’.

    Don’t get me wrong it’s great on sweet waffles etc just not with pancakes.

    Only ever had sultanas in those ‘scotch pancakes’. Couldn’t see why it wouldn’t work if you like sultanas 😎

  14. Sugar + Lemon

    Adding sultanas is a bit posho pancakes, but not “odd”. Like adding choc-chips too.

    You can get them with all sorts in supermarkets.

    I’ve done the choc chip ones at home before when I had some that needed using

  15. Round here in Staffordshire they make pikelets with dried fruit but there cooked with thr batter.

  16. I always wondered what you would put on pancakes if you didn’t have maple syrup. Now I know.

  17. I think the sultanas sounds banging, I’m gonna soak sultanas in brandy for next pancake day to have with my lemon and sugar

    I don’t like Nutella or the like on pancake day. Lemon and sugar is a must

  18. Orange juice and sugar here.

    Possibly because we’d have oranges in anyway and it’s not as sharp as lemon juice.

  19. The Dutch make thinly sliced apple and sultana pancakes, most normal thing in the world. Bit of cinnamon on it if you fancy. Not sure if they’re just slightly thicker than English pancakes though

  20. Butter and jam.

    Or with maple syrup and American streaky bacon.
    Also make your own. So much fun.

  21. Banana, toffee sauce and ice cream.

    Or when I feel lazy, either lemon and sugar, or Asda oreo spread.

  22. Lemon and sugar is a classic way of eating pancakes. Sultanas and raisins are more common in thick pancakes

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