We’ve been back and forth with an old issue/s and just looking for other ways to move forward. We both don’t want to end the marriage and are actively trying to work on it but it is **tiring.**

If anyone could tell me their success stories regarding this, please share and let us know that there is light after this dark and long tunnel.

  1. Is it compatability issues? The nature of the disagreements and the conviction each person has for their side is a big determining factor.

  2. With real sustained effort, actual love, and commitment to change both yourselves and the shape of the relationship, it can be salvageable. It is possible but not at all easy. Read “The Love Prescription” and look at videos online by the Gottmans.

  3. It really depends on what the issues are and how hard they are to resolve. My husband is a therapist who works with a lot of couples and he has found that people who wait until things are far gone have a much lower chance of keeping their relationship intact as compared to people who start working earlier. It’s not impossible, but the probabilities are greatly lower because both people are already at the end of their rope and tend not to have the wherewithal to deal anymore.

    If you are not in couples therapy, I would recommend starting. It can help pull things back from the brink, or ease the dissolution.

  4. Wife and I are still in the thick of things so I’ll let you know when I feel secure again in my marriage

  5. Yes …is the basic answer … A marriage made in heaven is when both partners have a core belief in that they want to make each other happy…those that don’t last is when one wants to make the other happy and the other wants interests for oneself… Each should be willing to own 50% of the relationship goals

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